03:24:718 (1,2,1,2) - it would be cool if you'd gradually increase the slider velocity but JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST bit by bit
01:10:955 (2) - maybe making these into two circles instead and the 2nd circle stacking on 01:11:661 (1) -
00:21:014 (4,5) - best not to stack these as to the downbeat or as the last beat of the combo
Meta: https://fireforce-anime.jp/music/
: https://www.aimer-web.jp/discography/archive/?SECL-2605
Source: 炎炎ノ消防隊 弐ノ章
00:56:837 (6,7) - same with this but to emphasize each vocal, better to not stack it
02:09:542 (6,7) - ^^^
03:34:248 (2,3) - ^^^