・00:01:247 - 00:04:104 - finishはやりすぎだと思う。デフォルトのwhistleくらいが妥当
・00:06:961 - 00:08:746 - 00:09:461 - 00:12:675 - 00:14:818 - 00:17:675 - 00:18:389 - 00:20:532 - 00:46:782 - 00:48:389 - 01:05:532 - 01:14:104 - 01:16:961 - 01:31:604 - 01:36:961 - 01:38:389 - 01:48:389 - 01:52:496 - 01:54:104 - 01:59:639 - 02:01:068 - 02:02:496 - 02:07:318 - 02:08:389 - 02:11:246 - 02:22:675 - 02:34:104 - 02:42:675 - 03:07:318 - 03:08:389 - 03:46:961 - 04:06:782 - drum sampleset
・00:08:211 - 00:18:211 - 00:20:354 - 01:04:639 - 01:07:496 - 01:16:068 - 01:18:925 - 02:10:354 - 02:13:211 - 02:24:639 - 02:42:496 - 03:37:496 - 03:46:068 - 03:48:925 - drum samplesetいらない
・00:11:782 - 00:11:871 - 00:25:354 - 00:25:443 - 01:23:568 - 01:40:889 - 02:29:282 - 03:53:568 - clapのほうが合いそう
・00:25:175 - 01:43:032 - 03:35:175 - clap
・00:25:532 - 01:22:675 - 自分ならfinish入れる
・01:25:532 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 01:28:389 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 02:29:818 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 03:55:532 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 03:58:389 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 04:01:246 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 04:04:104 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ここ全部clap + kick + kickじゃない?曲通り拾うなら。03:02:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - との一貫性もある
・03:25:532 - 20%は小さすぎる感。そこまで急激に変化させなくても十分伝わるのでもう少し上げるといいと思う
・03:26:961 - drum samplesetも同時にほしい。03:28:032 - みたいに
・03:30:711 - 03:30:889 - 03:31:068 - clapも同時にあると強い
In these two parts, I didn't put soft whistles in because the drum whistles work for the speed of the song.
Please silence sliderends that do not follow anything in the song, mostly sliderends of 3/4 sliders. This is because these objects that should not be synced to anything are giving distinct feedback through hitsounds, and silencing eliminates that.
Some examples are 00:15:800 in [Extra], 00:18:300 in [Insane], 00:11:693 in [Nonstop Story]
There are a lot of these throughout all difficulties, so please consider silencing them all.
(To silence an object, use an Inherited point with 5% volume.)
There are a lot of objects across all diffs' 1/4 ticks that lack proper hitsound feedback, probably because of the use of HS copier. (e.g. 00:12:407 in [Nonstop Story], 00:17:943 in [Hard], etc.)
Please go through all difficulties and check for rhythms that aren't supported by hitsounds properly, and hitsound them accordingly. Having a hitsound difficulty is OK, but each map does rhythms differently, and therefore the hitsound difficulty cannot cover all variants of rhythm in the map, therefore my suggestion to add hitsounds to objects that aren't covered.
You may need a better metadata source because the youtube link in map's description lead to unofficial channel.
I can only find this link: https://www.tunecore.co.jp/artist/hololive-IDOL-PROJECT#r553272
But I'm not sure if tunecore is consider offical or not so would recommend getting metadata check by someone else!
全体的にdrum sample setが抜けてる箇所があるのと鳴ってないところでドラムのHSついてるのでHSちょっと見直した方がいいかもしれないです。(意図的なら無視してもらって大丈夫です)