00:10:765 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4) - think spacing could get nerfed a lil in this section cuz it goes pretty big when song is at its calmest
alternatively lower sv which should also lower spacing of some patterns
00:11:220 (2) - 00:13:669 (2) - 00:16:118 (2) - 00:18:567 (2) - i think your map could benefit from making these consistent or making it decrease or increase based on pitch. personal probably though :)
made the first jump a bit bigger from (2), and a bit shorter at 00:16:118 (2) -. unchanged last one, not sure if jump like that fits there
00:21:475 (4) - this is a strong beat just like 00:20:556 (1) and 00:21:016 (1), I think a NC here would be fitting. At first I thought you didn't NC here because it would maybe look weird as the 2nd note of a stack, but you did NC on 00:32:801 (1) so for consistancy I'd just NC all these strong beats (on other similar parts too)
The nc on stack thing is a valid concern of mine and I was pretty bummed when I had to do it at 00:32:801 (1) - lol. I tried ncing these now, but it just looks really weird because it's preceded by a 1/4 gap from the previous slider. The nc before this one has low spacing from the triple, and high spacing jump to the next slider so imo that one makes more sense.
00:24:842 (1,2,3) - i think using kicksliders instead of circles for those gives some nice emphasis to those sounds since the guitar/vocal samples are quite unique compared to the rest of the drop, could give it a try?
i think it'd work ok if you used different patterning from 00:29:740 (1,2,1,2) - to give them separate forms of emphasis
00:29:740 (1,2,1,2) - very disorienting pattern (I assume this is somewhat intentional). Maybe this could be more readable if 00:29:740 (1,1) - were not stacked, but I'm not at all sure (ofc same for 01:30:965 (1,2,1,2) - )
Yeah true, unstacked 00:29:740 (1,1) - for both. I think everyone I've seen sightread has understood them, so should be fine otherwise!
00:29:740 (1,2) - I feel like these 2 sliders should be switched with 00:30:046 (1,2) because pitch gets lower yet spacing gets higher, same for 01:30:965 (1,2,1,2)
00:37:699 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - I feel like changing the rhythm here to this https://gyazo.com/d434a8c607af7371240ebb8451ec771f makes more sense, if you listen to the music you can hear that the first blue tick is more noticable than the 2nd blue tick
00:37:704 (1,2,3,4) - think the triplet works better at https://i.imgur.com/fQZTwlx.png so thje strong drum is emphasised more
00:39:842 (5,6,7,8,1) - maybe u could do something different with the spacing to emphasize the sound change (i cant rly describe it that well but it should be pretty obvious if u listen to it)
idk, i don't really want to increase spacing, although I understand decreasing for the last 5 is what would best represent the obvious sound change you're referring to. i don't think i should be decreasing the spacing here however, as i feel a consistent spacing better represents the intensity (which, in contrast to the down-pitching noise, doesn't seem to decrease). also, aesthetically, i really like the look of this consistent spaced wave-slider right here lol.
00:42:597 - i really don't think this section should be as hard as it is right now, the section is much weaker and sparser than the kiais, yet they play fairly similarly due to the fairly high SV coupled with dense rhythms, difficulty just feels constant throughout the song and i don't think it's necessarily a good design choice because of how much the song varies
rhythm wise, i think this section does it much better: 01:02:189 - much less 1/4 usage, more 3/4 or 1/1 rhythms, some 1/2 jumps here and there (although i believe their spacing could be nerfed)
i'd also like to see a nerf to SV more than overall spacing, because the current pacing feels way too fast imo
feel free to catch me ingame if you'd like to discuss this further
returning to this after 5 years with a fresh pov!! additional info: we did discuss this further in pms back then and basically ended up with considering simplifying some rhythms to clear up the density difference between this part and kiai.
however, returning to it now i still disagree really that this section should be nerfed rhythmically. if anything maybe the sv could be lower, but imo current still works really well to create a sort of fun intensity for the song which seems calm but to me is surprisingly active.
i've also cross checked the original chart for this song from the source material and i feel my diff matches the idea that was represented there. the intensity of the second part mention is way lower there too
00:43:209 (1,2) - maybe u could space this more like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12851655 ? maybe im just dumb but i read this as a 1/4 gap the first few times this pattern occurred while sightreading and a little more spacing i think wouldve helped me realize it was 1/2
idk to what extent ull have to change the other patterns like that if u do decide to change it but it should be readable with rly low spacing after the first few times of the player playing the pattern
00:50:709 (2,3,4) - and 00:51:016 (5,6,7) - should be more similar in spacing imo cuz the other times u had spacing changes within triples they were much less noticable (for example 00:32:648 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - i think was a similar concept to this but the spacing change was much less noticable)
00:51:475 (2) - silly me couldn't really read this properly, and I wonder why this is a reverse rather than just a kick (and then a circle or kick on 00:51:628 - )
Uh rhythm diversity I guess. Can't give a proper reason for the choice but I really think it fits. I don't wnat to put a circle after the 1/4 slider as I want a held feel, not two 1/4ths (would be too active imo). Keeping, but possible change is extend 00:51:475 (2) - to 00:51:704 - maybe.
01:16:271 (1,2) - i would really like to see those 1/3 mapped actively, mapping them passively really ruins the pacing of the buildup because it suddenly gets less intense both aim and clicking wise since you don't need to move your cursor on the repeat sliders, and the rhythm is as simple as can be
01:19:332 (1) - i feel like ignoring the high hats or whatever they are at 01:20:556 is kinda funky like idk, i know youve been mapping them passively throughout the map but these, are hella strong and its just funky
01:21:628 (5,1,2) - unusually harsh flow, if (1) was on left side of (5) somehow it would flow much better
01:35:480 (1) - having a NC on a blue tick can be confusing, especially because you usually don't NC on blue ticks, same for 01:48:031 (1)
I agree for this one, but I actually do nc on blue ticks for patterns like the second one that also need nc: 01:04:561 (1) -, 01:09:459 (1) -. granted there are only three lol.