01:57:155- 02:13:495 i feel like your angles dont really fit what youve been building up to here. previous;y i feel like there was a heavy sense of consistency in the way you were representing sounds section per section. but then this part starts up and movement and spacing starts to get kind of inconsistent and the awkward flow doesnt feel quite intentional if that makes sense. for example 01:57:423 (1,2,3,4) - the contrast between 1, 2 and 3,4. 1 to 2 is a wide and 'uncomfy' but then 3 flows into 4 super smoothly despite them being apart of the same pattern and representing very similar ideas in the music. i feel like this is a recurring theme and you switch between 'comfy' and 'uncomfy' movement without much reason as to why. ill put some more examples here so uk what i mean 02:08:137 (2,3,4,5) - 02:06:396 (4,5,1,2,3) - 02:12:155 (1,2,3,4) -
from 01:01:441 to about 01:10:012 i dont really understand why youre mapping the big kicks (01:05:727 (2) - ) with such small spacing i feel like every new sound so far has been really well introduced and represented but then these come in and its just ?? where is the emphasis lol
while i agree pretty heavily with flake, something that they didnt mention that i kinda want to bring attention to are the sv changes throughout the kiai. while i think its a solid idea, they just dont play very well imo. something super simple thats a pretty good idea to get in the habit of is ncing when theres a drastic sv change in the music. stuff like this for example 01:01:067 (7), . aside from that its pretty important to drastically change movement and or spacing to properly highlight the lower/ higher sv so the person playing it is like oh hey somethings coming. idk if that makes sense so im just gonna throw an examples in here. https://imgur.com/DwRfSWQ if u look at this, firstly u can see that i nc'd both sv changes. you can also see that leading up the the lower sv i opted for a complete stop in movement, which naturally brings attention to the next note. also because of that stop in movement theres no like cursor momentum from the previous section which makes going into the slower sv play a lot smoother. following that u can see i kept spacing from 01:15:324 (1,1) - quite small, because the change in sv naturally emphasizes the strong beat (01:15:621 (1) - ) more spacing isnt really necessary. keep in mind that u dont actually have to do all or even any of these things that i mentioned above, i kinda just threw a couple of common ways to highlight the music using drastic sv changes that doesnt make gameplay fucky.
00:37:304 (10,11,12) - i kinda wish you did something different here cuz like the music changes but this movement and structure is something youve done quite a few times already so i feel like it doesnt properly highlight the change in rhythm. even something as simple as https://imgur.com/a/xlSW2Ew would get the point across better i think. 00:40:869 (8,9,10) - same thing here. also wish u made the tail of 00:41:463 (10) - clickable