Currently I am largely quit w. You might have an easier time catching me on discord if you want something from me.
If you are a mapper from a Nordic country (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland), come join the Nordic osu! mapping Discord at! We have bi-weekly shitposting speedmapping contests,shitposting discussions about mapping, and numerous excellent shitposters mappers.
modding queue. always up for quick testplay/first impressions when online
remember to use default hitsounds and combo colours
former hero - our landscape - mapped by -PC. This map is a textbook example of good concept progression. The main ideas of kicksliders with 90° arclength and fast 1/2 reverse sliders are introduced at a comfortable pace before being rolled out in the climax part. When the drop hits, the fast kicksliders take you on a frantic and highly engaging journey, stopping only for the 1/2 sliders. Just as you think you've experienced the map and gotten comfortable, the difficulty kicks up a notch for a second round with fewer breaks and harder flow, all while being made up of 90° kicksliders. fourfolium - Sakura SKIP - mapped by Cerkie. Don't get fooled by the song, this is a very tricky map! Featuring alternate-style 1/4 jumps and an interesting reading gimmick, the map is highly engaging and a blast to play all the way through. Truly a great way to capture how fun and up-beat the song is. the gd is also pretty cool
Muse - Hysteria - mapped by Pennek. Pennek maps are recognisable for the consistent pattern designs, and this map is no different. This map might be best described with "aim control", requiring the player to perform restrained and precise cursor movements. Featuring an intense rhythm on top of this, the map never quite lets you off the hook, matching the gritty sound of Muse.
Coachwhips - I Drank What? - mapped by Arbane. Drinking the Kool-Aid, Arbane mapped a song that probably sounds better as a Youtube rip. Featuring all sorts of nonstandard slider designs at high slider velocity and low circle spacing, this is a map that manages to be as chaotic as the song.
Chata - min - mapped by Kalibe (rehosted by Melwoine). The choruses are some of the best mapping I've ever seen. Featuring comfortable movement, emphasis with harsh movements, fast sliders and interesting rhythm all at once, these sections are pure joy to play. The rest of the map is no slouch either, featuring the usual quality you would expect from Kalibe mapping, and the hitsounding is excellent as well.
Munimuni - Kalaluchi - mapped by Flake. This is a clean and well structured map of a really nice song, with some unique combo colour usage. The long buildup to the final climax is incredibly done, with a strong building very slowly but surely into a final frenzy to end the map.
Camellia - Ryuuseigun - mapped by ak74. A really well executed hard tech map with excellent slider designs that always seem to fit the intensely electronic sounds and incredibly satisfying wriggle-heavy gameplay. Absolutely worth your time
Camellia - Rampage Rag - mapped by -PC. A frantic two-minute rush where you scramble to hit every circle (if you're bad like me), featuring excellent flow, slider designs and high energy throughout. A masterpiece of cs5 movement.
sakuraburst - Glacierfall (Park Remix) - mapped by ScubDomino. This map feels like the pinnacle of the Marenol slider, consistently using wide shapes as a recurring idea, on top of other really cool slider ideas. To top it all off it's fun to play. Pure genius.
Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 osu! Resolution: Letterbox 1600x900 Keyboard: Roccat Ryos MK Pro with brown switches Tablet: Wacom Intuos PTZ-630 Wacom CTL-471 with CTL-480 pen Area: smth like 126 mm width
"Du skal ikke forvente at hestai kan finde ud af at skifte hold" - Cortez 2k17 "Hvordan kan jeg få den ind her" - Skumlerkongen 2k17 "Hvordan får man den ind" - MASQQ 2k17 "Det er bare werf der prøver på at toaste mig" - Cortez 2k17 "Åh nej, mit SS-emblem" - MASQQ 2k17 "Jeg skal ind i werfwerf" - Tona 2k17 "Jeg er ret gay" "Same" - Cerkie og Tona 2k17 "Tona hvis du var en skede ville du lugte af fisk" - Spork 2k17 "Det bedste ved aber er at de er så behårede" -Tona 2k17 "skuMLER" "Hvad nej de har bare lyst til at kneppe" - Spork 2k17 "It's not the nazis I don't like, it's the moe girls" - Crylizhy 2k18