00:06:053 (3,4) - stack again here doesnt correspond very well with the rhythm emphasis, also maybe replace this 00:06:226 (4) - slider into a circle on both sliderhead and -end of it ? id suggest maybe something like this https://i.imgur.com/INvLW6u.jpg
00:06:226 (4) - this slider should be half a beat later to be consistent with this 00:03:640 (4,5) - the 1/1 gap between the slider end and the next object may cause misreads
the spacing between 00:07:605 (5,6) - and 00:08:122 (7,1) - is the same which is wrong since theres only highbeat on 00:08:295 -
id suggest lower the spacing on 00:07:605 (5,6) -
Not gonna lower the spacing, it's already low enough.
I am assuming you are talking about these 2 circles - 00:07:950 (8,9)
00:07:605 (3,4,5) - use the same rhythm than before 00:04:846 (3,4,5) - the song repeats so the map should do the same
00:10:364 (4,5) - i think these should go in the same direction since the sound playing is the exact same what i would do is ctrl + g 00:10:364 (4) - and copy and paste it for 00:10:709 (5) - the reason u would ctrl + g (4) is so u still have the emphasis for 00:11:053 (1)
00:10:709 (5) - u can ctrl G this so it emphasises the song going lower in pitch and it would also be fitting for flow since its a bit inconsistent now,
with this it would follow a-b-b-a instead of a-b-a-a (a=linear, b=circular) every 2 measures
00:11:053 (1) - imo this could be changed for a circle and a gap of 1/1 till next white tick so its consistent with the melody n u use it 00:05:536 (1) - here aswell
also fits cuz song gives strong hits every 4 measures 00:08:295 (1) - and 00:13:812 (1) - , while next part has them every 2 measures and ur rhythm choice is consistent in following it 00:17:088 (2,3,4) - 00:19:329 (1,2,3) -
00:11:053 (1,2) - space these similarly to 00:05:536 (1,2) - since currently there's no distinct way to read this as a 1/1 gap in rhythm
00:12:778 (6,7,8,9) - , 00:12:778 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - should emphasize the vocaqls in this part with a clap hitsound cause it's the only part in the songs that has these vocals without having an important bg music
00:13:122 (4,5) - could use different slider shapes for these sliders so u can visually emphasize 00:13:812 (1,2) - more
00:15:019 (5) - missing NC, doesn't seem intentional since you NCed 00:03:984 (1) -
00:18:295 (5,6) - lower the spacing between these two notes?
for example 00:18:984 (9,1) - has same spacing as above (00:18:295 (5,6)) which feels wrong since 00:19:329 - on this timestamp has strong beat which would be correct for high spacing, but for the 00:18:295 (5,6) - doesnt if you listen closely,,,
rhythm/beats that sounds similar should at least be mapped with same spacing, if they arent similar then spacing should vary between them
also for stacks you need to be wary that if the afterbeats ought to sound with stacks then they shouldnt be stacked since it destroys the flow which the song gives. like, if you listen to the beats/rhythm here 00:22:433 (2,3,4,5) - they sound similar, and when you stack a note and a slider like 00:22:778 (4,5) - it breaks the flow which the follow up 00:22:433 (2,3,4) - gives
why do you cut off the vocal with the slider at 00:24:846 (1) - but you make it longer at 00:30:364 (1) - keep it consistent
00:25:536 not really a big deal but maybe don't leave this unmapped. even passively like making 00:24:846 (1) - a repeat works since you've not ignored these guitar-sounding things
00:26:743 (6) - this should be all circles instead of a 1/1 slider, you are missing a lot of important sounds, especially on the white tick, so map it as circles and give a bit of emphasis on 00:26:915 - with slightly higher spacing
00:29:674 (3) - i see youve tried to snap this to the vocals but there are pretty important sounds that youre missing here on 00:30:019 - and the sliderend being snapped 1/4 away from the imporant white tick sound feels really off and weird to play
00:43:381 - imo this sound noticeable enough to have a hitcircle here since you mapped most of these sounds in this section. you could put a hitcircle stacked on 00:43:467 (1) - and move them closer to 00:43:122 (6) -
00:44:846 (5) - and 00:45:191 (7) - could be NCed so they are in pairs of 2 to emphasize the vocals that start here.
00:45:967 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - could look a lot better aesthetic wise, possibly do something that resembles a perfect circle? something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13142188
at 00:48:812 (2,3,4,5,6) -these are jumps but at the exact same part of the phrase at 00:54:329 (2,3,4) - theyre sliders, keep it one or the other
00:50:967 (7) - dont hear any sound here, jus change it for a 1/2 jump like u did 00:56:053 (4,5,1) - since u didnt map low volume triples on this section of the drop
00:51:743 (4) - the synth or whatever sound you mainly follow is present on both head and tail so maybe turn this into 2 circles to follow.
actually 00:51:053 (1,2,3,4,5) - is basically similar to 00:49:674 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - in melody in that it's a long held sound followed by multiple 1/2 sounds so aside from the triples in the latter,
they should've had identical rhythms
00:55:709 (2,3,4,5,1) - ,
00:56:053 (4,5) - strong beat on these two, so you should increase the spacing.
or just lower the other
00:56:398 (1) - this looks really visually unappealing when it just barely overlaps 00:56:226 (5) - , check this high quality, in-depth guide on overlapping, provided by K4L1: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/485593489762025474/560288817475485696/Sem_titulo.jpg?width=1301&height=671
01:01:743 (6) - ctrl H'ing this would help out the circular flow u've been using throughout the drop so u can do that here
01:06:226 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4) - drums get louder progressively here and its mapped as a slowdown, you can remake it so it goes more spaced out instead of vice versa
01:07:950 (2,3,1) - this is pretty high spacing for a small change in the song, maybe u can do smth like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13270198 to nerf a bit
you need a lot more spacing between 01:08:122 (1) - and 01:08:467 (2,3) - there are two important finishes marking the end of the most intense part of the section and its really underwhelming as is
some flow mods
01:10:709 (2) - set to 139 352
00:44:157 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - bad flow. set 7 to 275 219, 8 to 179 144
00:36:915 (4) - make it overlaps with 3. x96 y72 and 5 x130 y260.
5 for more aligned spacing and flow
01:13:122 (1) - move it a little lower to avoid that angle between 01:12:778 (5) slider end and the slider head
01:19:502 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - i dont hear a stream pattern here, id change it to something that fits the rhythm better like https://i.imgur.com/WMYyi2b.png cuz u ignore the mappable blue tick on 01:19:415
01:20:019 (7) - NC for new vocal measure and downbeat also consistency w/ full measure like 01:25:536 (1) -
01:22:088 (4) - since there are no hs on half a measure here, you can add like a whistle on the sliderend for feedback
01:26:398 (4) - maybe put this note to (262, 225) to make overlaps 01:26:226 (3,5) - and 01:25:881 (2,4) - consistent?
01:41:398 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - make the whole shape consistent and coherent, try making a wave stream like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13142275 with consistent ds
01:50:019 (5) - place this note to (75, 154). Also you can move this slider 01:50:364 (1) - to stack by his sliderend with the sliderhead of 01:49:502 (3) -
01:51:571 (4,1) - spacing is so small compared to 01:51:053 (1,2,3,4) - when its increasing, keep the buildup increasingly intense
01:52:778 (12) - imo NCing this makes for better gameplay so it doesn't confuze the player into thinking its still a stream since same combo
01:52:778 (1) - for better gameplay you can drag this somewhere like there - http://prntscr.com/nyxhz5 , or whatever
01:58:640 (1) - i think this would look and play a lot better if you flipped it somewhat like this http://prntscr.com/nueyus
02:01:398 (5) - 03:07:605 (1) - spacing these a bit higher would be more fitting for emphasis just like the 1st and final drop do; also NC 02:01:398 (5) - for consistency with other sections
02:13:122 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why does this curve then go straight halfway through? focus on making your stream shapes coherent, make this a more consistent curve (try making curved sliders and using them as a reference)
02:13:812 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - no reason for the spacing to increase here, keep 02:13:812 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - the same but make ds larger than 02:13:122 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) -
02:26:226 (1) - in this try making this pattern- http://prntscr.com/nsk7hd
02:27:778 (1) - maybe put a little far away? it can be mistakenly read as 1/2 beat after 02:27:088 (4) -
02:35:709 (5) - nc, cuz looks weird imo
02:35:881 (1) - un nc it than
02:46:226 (3,4) - imo unstacking these and spacing would be better for emphasis and so it's not all cluttered in the center which underwhelms the song, kinda like https://i.imgur.com/US3G4ov.png would work
02:47:605 (1) - mapped the same part in the song as 1/1 slider + hitcircle on red tick after it here 00:35:191 (4,5,1) - . consider doing the same thing here instead of having an extended slider
02:59:846 (2) - I suggest to move this circle close to 03:00:364 (4) - this slider to avoid weird cursor movement, just like this: https://imgur.com/hmTzrd9
03:02:088 (1,2) - you can change this for a 1/1 slider so its consistent with following prolonged samples with sliders and others with jumps or 1/2 slider, also consistency with 00:49:674 (1) -
03:09:329 (2) - Move this circle under 03:09:502 (3) - this slider for better flow like this https://imgur.com/s4NzkrO
03:18:640 (1,2,3) - put this here: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13142308 because the large spacing between 03:18:640 (1,2) - and the low spacing between 03:19:157 (1,2) - isnt right
03:20:364 (2,3,4,5) - these can be spaced apart more and away from the downbeat slider just so it doesn't feel like its the same spacing as the stream before it which is underwhelming for 1/2 gap
Making this circle 03:43:122 (6) overlap this circle 03:42:260 (1) would give slightly more consistent spacing, but it might look off.
This map is very solid btw, fantastic job.
CTRL+G 03:54:502 (1,2) - and then CTRL+G 03:55:018 (2,3) - to have proper rhythm in this part since currently your 1/1 slider doesn't follow anything in particular and looks really out of place
04:00:536 (2,3) - this could follow the rhythm more properly by mapping 04:00:536 - as a hitcircle, 04:00:709 - as a 1/2 slider and a hitcircle on 04:00:709 -
04:32:778 (5) - stack this note with 04:32:950 (6) - to be consistent with previous with this stack 04:30:019 (5,6) -
04:34:502 (1,2) - imo changing this for a 1/1 slider,
04:33:812 (3) - and 04:34:157 (4,5) - for 2 circles so it represents 2 samples like 04:34:157 (4,5) - seems more fitting here so it all is consistent and doesnt feel random with rhythm choice
04:47:433 (4,1) - just a personal thing, the random kick slider and note after should just be a 3-note burst, but thats all i found :D
04:49:760 (1) - unsnapped spinner-end, you could end it on 04:55:191 cuz i dont see a need for unnecessary prolongation, but up to you