NC 00:09:601 (6) - as it is a downbeat, and I would also remove NC from 00:09:929 (1) , and NC 00:10:257 (3)
even though I see why you NC each part 00:12:224 (1) through 00:20:093 (1), the comboing seems very off and inconsistent to the point that it kinda threw me off, I would NC every downbeat to be consistent (except 00:13:371 (6,7) where I would combo 7), but if you're insistent about keeping the combos, I would at least remove NC from 00:15:502 (1) and NC 00:16:158 (4)
but I highly recommend changing combos
00:15:994 (3) - considering how you're so consistent in emphasizing the prominent sounds in this section by having them all clickable why not make the guitar sound on the slider tail clickable as well due to how it's also quite prominent and it's a downbeat too since having this as the only prominent sound not emphasized well is quite weird and inconsistent to the whole section
you could replace the slider with 2 circles instead to also keep the emphasis on the piano sound
00:17:470 (3) - imo i think this could have a higher spacing than what it has rn since currently, the spacing is the same as 00:16:814 (1,2) - in a triangle pattern saying that it should have the same emphasis and it has the same intensity even though 00:17:470 (3) - is louder, it has a crash and it's a downbeat.
i would suggest to not just have the triangle pattern to make (3) more emphasized by making it more unique and have it a higher spaced.
00:19:765 (6) - shouldn't really be spaced this high since the piano here is decreasing in intensity together with 00:19:109 (2) - and 00:19:437 (4) -
imo you could just stack 00:19:765 (6) - on 00:19:273 (3) - if you want to keep the pattern since this is the most noticeable intensity drop and it would still play the same as how it was before having that sharp angle jump.
the end line part of the star at 00:20:093 (1) isn't parallel to the line on top, would be best to straighten it out
00:36:486 (4) - kinda feels wrong to have notes like these to have the same spacing with less intense notes like 00:36:158 (2,3) - and such.
00:36:486 (4) - and similar notes such as 00:37:142 (1) - 00:39:109 (4,5) - 00:41:732 (4) - and etc. is more prominent and should have more emphasis imo since they have louder vocals + accompanying piano/percussion so having them spaced the same with the less intense notes that have weaker vocals is really unrepresentative.
It is suggested to differentiate the spacing from prominent to non-prominent sounds by making them higher in spacing or by other similar emphasis.
this applies to this whole section (00:35:830 - up to 00:46:158 - )
its insane & for this much of a calm part its fine imo, also i did slight bigger spacing for like the noticable difference in sounds (00:35:830 (1) - , 00:37:142 (1) - 00:38:453 (1) - 00:41:076 (1) - 00:42:388 (1) - ) not really that noticable clearly but this part of the song is REALLY calm and its only insane anyway so i dont think you need to make extreme sync with the music. also please dont mark this as a problem
in place of 00:44:519 (4) you should instead add a 3/4 slider, it kinda feels empty at that part imo
00:58:125 (6) - spacing is kinda inconsistent with these notes 00:59:437 (1) - 01:00:748 (6) - since they seem to have quite similar sounds in each timestamp, having one higher spaced and the other two lower spaced.
however, i suggest to follow 00:59:437 (1) - 's spacing since it effectively emphasizes the loud vocal here by having a higher spacing than the usual.
can have it like this etc
01:01:813 (2) - i dont really hear any sound in this tick to warrant a circle here and making it a stream, if you hear something then it's most probably the fade out of the snare on 01:01:732 (1) -
just remove the circle then make it circle + triple, fwiw the other diffs didnt map it too so it's better to be consistent with them imo
01:22:716 (4,5) - wouldnt a slider fit better here, like try mirroring the previous slider 01:22:388 (3) - and make a pattern like how 01:21:732 (1,2) - are mirrored replicating the repetition-like sound in the vocals.
it's also quite similar to how you represented 00:50:257 (1,2,3,4) -
something like this perhaps
01:25:666 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - these sliders are grouped into 3's but the comboing suggests they're groups of 2 or 4.. feels strange to see, I think the song support groups of 2 or 4 better
01:26:650 (4) - movement here from the previous slider is very weird and also inconsistent with how you mapped the diff since you mostly use sharp-angle movement, here though you use a wide-angle movement. i think there's really no reason here to why the flow became wide angle, only because of how you want the triangle patterns i guess.
i suggest to ctrl g 01:26:650 (4) - instead, this would keep the sharp angle movement consistent and still keep your pattern. this would also appear to emphasize a prominent vocal on the following slider 01:26:978 (5) -