00:06:978 (1) - urm tbh i kinda disagree with this being a reverse slider cuz it ruin the intensity that is just started to kick in and 00:07:798 - should atleast put circle here , the gap feel weird and it has sound too uwu
00:08:945 (1,2,1) - i think this kind of interlocking https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13688636/3e83 would be look nicer
00:09:561 (1) - abit more spaced out from 00:09:233 (2) - than 00:08:905 (1,2) - to emphasise the drum beat and sudden pitch shift
00:14:479 (4) - make this 2 circles as this is the only time that you mapped this part as a slider and every other part as 2 circles
no piano on slider end though, i mapped the other parts as 2 circles when there's a piano and other similar parts without the piano sound like 00:17:102 (4) - as a slider
00:25:299 (3) - this should get a nc imo because the music pretty much stops playing there. i know that it's supposed to be a 1-2-3 pattern thing but this doesn't fit here yet because the guitar is still playing there and the way the actual 1-2-3 pattern should be starts here 00:25:626 (1,2,3) - because of said reason
00:28:617 (4) - shouldnt this also have a different spacing since you were emphasizing strong vocals like 00:26:650 (1) - etc
maybe stack 00:28:617 (4) - on 00:28:781 (5) -. it ruins the pattern but follows the idea. https://i.imgur.com/TCIV3EO.png
00:30:584 (3) - even though you're trying to map vocals, I would NC that bc it is a downbeat
00:32:060 (2,3,4) - this pattern is kinda uncomfortable in context with 00:31:568 (1,2), maybe swap the places with both notes at 00:32:224 (3,4) feels more comfortable
00:32:388 (4,5) - this is kind of a personal bug, but the distance from those two points is about a straight line, which is fine, but the slider isn't perfectly straight, so I would raise the slider a bit so it looks better or straighten the slider out
00:41:364 (2,3,1) - should be the same pattern as 00:40:708 (2,3,1) - as 00:40:708 (2,3,1) - has a sharper angle compared to 00:41:364 (2,3,1) -
00:41:568 (3) - i would prioritize making this centered between 00:41:404 (2,1) - than making it overlap with 00:40:912 (3) imo
shouldnt be centered since im not trying to make a triangle, want to emphasize 00:41:732 (1) -
maybe increase distance b/w the slider head of 00:44:847 (1) and 00:45:339 (2) since it is a strong sound compared to the other circles preceding
00:44:847 (1,2,3) - the movement here could be improved imo since the abrupt stop from 00:45:339 (2) - due to low spacing is quite weird to play. would recommend to ctrl g 00:45:339 (2,3) - so it'd make a sharp zig zag movement instead
00:45:954 (6,7) - This seems rather random to me because a pattern like this, is never seen in this diff again. (6) being on the slidertail itself is fine just the stack is random just space out (7) so it doesn't look that random anymore. you could also space this out as there is an upcoming guitar
00:48:617 (4) - why not rotate this the same as 00:47:961 (2) - so it would play like a repeating pattern. it's the only odd one out since there are same rhythms that have an actual pattern mapped out like 00:50:257 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:52:880 (1,2,3,4) -
it's to differentiate the 4th slider in every of those groups from the rest since it has a different sound, actually for the other 2, the 4th slider break the pattern as well
00:50:257 (1,2,3,4) - the 4th slider is rotated in a different direction
00:52:880 (1,2,3,4) - the 4th slider requires the player to move the cursor in the opposite direction of the slidertail, unlike the first 3
00:53:863 (4) - doesn't seem to stand out from the rest tho because the direction change comes at 00:53:535 (3) - and the rest just uses circular flow
you should rotate 00:56:158 (1,1,1) 90 degrees so it's vertical going downwards, since the bass kick ? (sorry I don't know much about drums lol) is getting softer so it'll be appropriate going lower on the play field
01:02:060 (1,2,3) - 01:04:683 (1,2,3) - should differentiate these 1/4 spacing from 01:04:027 (3,4) - or the other way around since both have the same spacing even though 01:04:027 (3,4) - is 1/2 as it can cause players to misread.
would suggest to space out 01:04:355 (4) - instead as the 1/2 spacing in the whole map in general seems to be larger anyway. https://i.imgur.com/OhQEkEY.png
01:08:577 (1) - this should be a circle as there is no sound on 01:08:659 and because the music stops there for a bit
wanted to use kick slider to represent the guitar sound on 01:08:577 (1) - tho, since it's more noticeable than the other drum sounds. I'll just silence the slider end instead then to keep consistent with my other silenced slider ends
01:09:929 (1) - because of the long jump from these 2 notes: 01:09:765 (3,1) - i would really recommend you flip this horizontally, it would make flow better from 01:09:765 (3) as well
01:12:388 (5) - maybe raise this up a bit, like so it's on the corner of 01:11:732 (3) (without overlapping it of course)
ctrl + g this rhythm 01:13:207 (3,4,5) - because 01:13:207 (3) - the sound at the slider head and slider end is are both strong basses? and theres no sound here 01:13:699 (5)
they r different sounds, 01:09:437 (1,2,3) - has a glissando in it (thx woahsia and demonical for the term)
I think you should increase the distance between 01:23:043 (1,2) like 01:21:732 (1,2,3,4) so it could be even
01:26:978 (1) - maybe make this at least 2 circles instead to differentiate the rhythm from 01:26:322 (3,4) - and 01:27:634 (3,4) -'s vocal phrases since it looks like you're doing a pattern there every vocal phrase so having 01:25:666 (1,2) - the odd one out would be weird.
also having circles would make it more dense here since it's all just sliders rn which is very underwhelming.
i'd like to keep the slider pattern
as for 01:25:666 (1,2) - being the odd one out, it's because from that pattern to the next is a pitch increase, while for the rest it's steadily decreasing
increasing the volume would make it too similar to kiai volumes imo which isn't justified because this is just the transition to the ending long vocal. and if I don't increase it to 70% the volume change is barely even noticeable so i dont think there's a reaosn to change, 50% is loud enough imo