00:09:273 (3,4,1) - might be confusing to read as 1/2 objects are similarly spaced like this. would suggest to overlap 00:09:519 (4) - to (1)'s sliderhead to be consistent with how you map 1/4 rhythms like 00:09:191 (2,3) - etc. https://i.imgur.com/dEHzIat.png
i think you have it spaced so that u could have 00:09:601 (1) - more emphasized, but i think sv change already emphasized it enough.
The current one should be fine. It's a nice way to transition into the faster pace of the song. Will consider this if more people bring it up
00:10:912 (1) - this set of streams is very difficult, even compared to the other set of streams going into the kiai--- probably because of how the direction changes and the horizontal spacing like Meep mentioned. I think this should be more similar to the ones before kiai, and maybe the ones before kiai can be more difficult like this instead?
00:11:568 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - from the first stream, which one is very concentrated, to the last one that is maybe too spaced there is much difference, I would space more the other streams, to the last one make sense.
00:11:896 (1,2,3,4,1) - tbh this horizontal movement in contrast to the previous 3 vertical streams is a bit hard to hit, especially if its horizontal + spaced
00:15:830 (2,3) - maybe you could make (2) a 1/2 slider instead like 00:13:207 (3) - as they have similar sounds here, it would also have a rhythm pattern with 00:12:224 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - of 1/4 + circle, 1/2 slider, 1/4 + circle, 1/2 slider on said sounds making rhythm more consistent.
00:31:568 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - this spacing could still be nerfed, kinda too big for a calm part. i get that it's more spaced than previous notes because of how the piano is more louder however that's barely noticeable imo.
i'd suggest to just have minimal spacing to differentiate the louder piano keys as the vocals seem to still have same intensity/pitch, this would make the section more coherent.
this spacing would be enough here. https://i.imgur.com/5UEpwPZ.png
i think it would make most sense to make 00:37:798 (1,3) into slightly curved sliders since most of the sliders around it are slight curved
Should be alright. I did similar stuff here 00:43:043 (1,3) - too anyway. Not too big of an issue
00:38:043 (2,4) - 00:43:289 (2,4) - these 1/4 overmaps don't really seem to fit here, there's not the slightest sound audible and mapping these parts as 1/2 would make more sense. i could understand you did this here so that this section would be more dense compared to the previous one so i have 2 suggestions that you could pick from
you could either, remove them completely and just space out the 1/2 sliders to balance out spacing intensity of each object without the 1/4s or
keep and hitsound over them to give the very least feedback so that the overmap could make more sense. drum sampleset or kicks work as some of the instruments in the section use those.
Gonna add hitsound over it. Was thinking of removing it but the pattern felt a little "empty" and dull compared to rest of the section
00:45:502 (4) - i feel like this circle should join with this patern 00:45:666 (1,2) - cuz actually the sound is getting lower but you make this 00:45:502 (4,1) - really spaced out
00:45:626 (1,2,3) - ik what you're doing with making it smaller jumps to show the beats better but even so i think these are a little too close considering the background music
Mmh, I think I'll make them closer to emphasize on the slowed down momentum of this part of the song.
00:45:994 (3) - and this should probably be spaced further than the notes to emphasis the strong beat on it xD
00:46:322 (1,2,3) - I would rotate 3 to match 1 & 2, from the looks of it slider 2 is rotated from 1 from about 40 degrees, so it would look better if 3 was also rotated to fit or at least looked like it was rotated to match (if that made any sense lol)
01:03:207 (1,2,3,4) - these objects here could be mistaken as all 1/4s because of how the spacing look all the same even though snapping is different.
i'd suggest to either decrease the spacing of the 1/4 (https://i.imgur.com/prIA5hZ.png), or increase the spacing of the 1/2 (https://i.imgur.com/NyY0hpc.jpg) to avoid confusion.
01:08:617 (1,2,3,1) - the change in direction from 2-3-1 is way too straining since 1-2-3 is anti-clockwise and 3-1 is clockwise, direction change is too vast
01:08:863 (3) - this circle might be hard to spot and movement into these objects 01:08:863 (3,1) - might feel uncomfortable. i suggest https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13688573/e00d or this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13688577/19c2
01:12:060 (1) - i believe you don't need to nc here as that made it look like this pattern 01:12:060 (1,2,3) - correlate to each other even though they don't really. there were only vocals on 01:12:224 (2,3) - which are separate from the sound on 01:12:060 (1) -
would suggest to remove nc on 01:12:060 (1) - since it can cause slight confusion. you can nc 01:12:224 (2) - instead as it will make more sense
01:13:863 (1,2,1,2) - instead of circles, i think it should be 1/2 sliders instead since 01:14:027 (2,2) - have no sounds on them
01:13:863 (1) - i think emphasizing this object more relative to 01:13:699 (3) - would follow the music better. also kind of weird that 01:14:027 (2,2) - is emphasized over the stronger percussion 01:13:863 (1,1) - . you are returning to the same spot for the stronger sounds on the white tick while doing the fun stuff on the weaker red ticks which is kind of misrepresents music imo.
Hmm, readjusted the pattern here. Wanted to make the cross jump pattern to match the 1/2 guitar
01:21:732 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - The spacing between the 1-2s is very much, and the vocals don't suggest that, please, remove some spacing.
The spacing/jump pattern should be fine. Splitting each 1-2 to follow closely on the 1/1 vocal
01:35:175 (2,3,1,2,1,2) - I think increasing the volume for every double would fit better with the song, as it is getting louder at every double (e.g. 60% at 01:35:502 (1,2)-, 70% at 01:35:830 (1,2) -), and also even though you did increase spacing at 01:35:502 (1,2,1,2) - , I would increase it a little more because it didn't look like you increased it much
01:35:830 (1,2) - maybe increase the spacing here more to better represent the drums that increases its intensity.
something like this high of a spacing would be nice https://i.imgur.com/QFfLfr2.png