A w sumie to też dopiero zauważyłem że nie ma wyciszonego dźwięku na spinnerze. Może wyciszysz za pomocą pustego pliku "spinnerspin" żeby nie było tyle szumu jak kręcisz to koło? Jeżeli też dźwięk każdego tysiąca ci przeszkadza to można też dać "spinnerbonus".
https://puu.sh/C0BnI/290320ca4a.png here it is in the ranking criteria and u can see for yourself to be sure https://osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Ranking_Criteria
there seems to be delay on a couple of hitsounds: soft-hitclap https://puu.sh/BZFjZ/8f3bc848b7.png and soft-hitfinish https://puu.sh/BZFne/76ccd38138.png there is some noise at the beginning but obviously not peaking, so cut down some of the beginning on both files
I think emphasizing the last sound with 5% is somehow omitting the fade out effect the ring makes here 00:29:865 - making a very weird pattern to follow because players would be spinning with no actual feedback behind the spinner. Therefore, it would be more appropiate if emphasized a fade out effect with green lines;
Here the green lines:
That one may will make a greater effect here.
My biggest concern here Bany is the way you handled hitsounds. You only use whistles during the whole section and do not switch between sampleset that might end creating an awkward hitsound feedback becase there are which have no hitsounds whatsoever but there's a clear background sound to cover up as an example 00:09:599 (1,2,3,4) - . I know it's just a 30 secs map, but I really believe using other sample sets or even adding new hitsounds would fit this mapset the best!
For that I suggest using Sampleset Auto and Additions Drum with Whistles in order to make a more variant hitsounding.