did you know if you copu the usa flag in the chat it will appear "us" instead? xddd
pls remover "happyrocket88" and "mkguh" from tags. thnkx u nex
I actually thought about it before I was mapping the song but I wanted to give a break of players of those 3/2 sliders introductions are there are a lot of them throughout the map and chorus. Thanks nonetheless!
I'm not going against ranking criteria. I'm stating that the cases you pointed out do not break the rule as they currently represent best the music there and give appropiate accentuation to sounds and voice. As you could see those are the chorus of the song hence sliders cover both of the concetps above, placing circles there would not fit as it leaves open how it currently accentuate the voice and it would be inconsistent on how both segments were mapped.
Thanks for your suggestion but not going to change it. This is just going slightly over a guideline that would not compromise a player's readability or performance during gameplay.
I disagree. This difficulty is being mapped to 113 BPM, not the standard 180 as RC states. Hence, using 1/2 patterns not often as this difficulty does for the kiai fits well with how music is being represented here.
As for the last suggestion, that was done for variation. Not everything has to be 100% consistent.
I disagree. This difficulty is being mapped to 113 BPM, not the standard 180 as RC states. Hence, using 1/2 patterns not often as this difficulty does for the kiai fits well with how music is being represented here.
As for the last suggestion, that was done for variation. Not everything has to be 100% consistent.
These overlaps are fine imo. They still lead the player know where the objects are and I don't think these particulary make the path harder to follow. As it is a guideline and not unrankable, will change it if a BN think it's a must change.
Yes. Fixed spacing and awkward flow for the patterns you mentioned. Fixed rhythm in some other intances and lower the jumps throughout the whole difficulty.
I like how aestheticly my diff looks atm. Non interntional blankets play fine and visually I'm happy how they look together.
I'd suggest filling out more of the long rhythm gaps cause they seem pretty underwhelming to me, at the very least you could use the rhythm variation from the last chorus 02:36:843 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - more often?
I disagree. Those spaces where there's no notes are to give players a breather so they can position their cursor to where the next notes would be, as I'm mostly following vocals. 02:36:843 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Last kiai is meant to be different since the two first kiais handled a very basic vocal oriented rhythm choice; I don't believe making every kiai the same would fit to what I'm following here.
You are aware that a masive gap of 1/2 beat with no active rhythm is very different from using active 1/4s, right?
Yep, that's why I would keep this way because I'm alternating between passive 3/2 rhythm to 1/4 rhythm in the whole last kiai just to make sure to make it easier to adjust. It is inconsistent? Yes. Does it make it invalid or harder to read? No. Therefore, this variety pretty much fulfills what I wanted to create here which plays evenly and fine in my opinion.