

Fiery's Extra
Akitoshi's Beginner guest difficulty by Akitoshi
Akitoshi's Easy guest difficulty by Akitoshi
Myxo's Easy guest difficulty by Myxo
Shunao's Hard guest difficulty by Shunao
Kencho's Insane guest difficulty by Kencho
Yukiyo's Insane guest difficulty by Yukiyo
Reform's Insane guest difficulty by Kujinn
NiNo's Insane guest difficulty by SnowNiNo_
Yuri-'s Expert guest difficulty by Yuii- and Annabel
Kencho's Extra guest difficulty by Kencho
Doormat's Extra guest difficulty by Doormat
Reform's Extra guest difficulty by Kujinn
Fiery's Extra guest difficulty by fieryrage
A r M i N's Extra guest difficulty by A r M i N
Lasse's Extra guest difficulty by Lasse
NiNo's Extra guest difficulty by SnowNiNo_
Nevo's Extra guest difficulty by Nevo
Kyuukai's Extra guest difficulty by Kyuukai
Guest difficulty by fieryrage
mapped by Sotarks
This beatmap was ranked on 6 January 2019!
nominated by bossandy and Faputa
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00:09:110 (1,2,1,2) - The song hasn't even started yet you're doing huge spacing on, nothing.. I could understand if it were only for drums 00:08:945 (5,1) - , but 00:09:274 (2,1) - these notes are just so weak yet you give them such huge spacing for some reason.

00:09:110 (1) - You could just make this into a slider or majorly reduce spacing on 00:09:274 (2,1) - to better represent the song.


willing to change these to sliders, sotarks is dqing for nevo hitsound issue anyway


fixed this



Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

The only thing I want to mention. 00:09:274 (2) - 00:09:439 (1) - these spacing are unreasonable.


meant to be buildup to the jumps after, don't really see a big issue keeping it the way it is rn



Marked as resolved by Sotarks

00:10:428 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - When it comes to progression in any form of art you usually do it by giving a hint of what's going to happen. In the song it shows an ascending intensity and that the song will be about that. However, it shows it in a much less intense way than compared to let's say in its chorus 00:46:880 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - which is about the same musically except the pitches are much higher and the noise louder. Yet, in the map you contradict that by making the former example much more spaced and I think you should strongly reconsider that by rescaling to about .8x to compared to its current spacing, as honestly it really is overspaced.


the idea behind this was to give the player a taste of the jumps later on in the map and i felt it fit doing it in the beginning, i don't REALLY mind nerfing these but i would rather not honestly


nerfed this pattern across the board


I don't see it nerfed though, looks about the same?

edit: Apparently you nerfed the latter part when i was talking about the former uhh?


i nerfed 00:10:428 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - all the vertical jumps here via reducing the spacing. they used to be fullscreen vertical


Looks fair.

Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:16:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Here is an example of you just doing huge jumps on specifically 1-2-3-4 which start a buildup. The song gives more emphasis to 00:17:631 (5,6) - which are, other than higher pitch, 4 kicks. The issue here is that you're emphasizing the weaker notes with large spacing jumps while using sliders for higher intensity notes, and I strongly advise you to reconsider and do the opposite.


i don't really see how the latter sliders are emphasized more, imo the first few notes are the most emphasized lol

00:17:957 (6) - i would understand emphasizing this only but i want to keep consistentcy in patterning since 00:18:935 (4,5) - i do this throughout the majority of the map


Then maybe you should consider making consistent something that better represents the song? In all those cases the 00:19:261 (5) - sounds the most intense, like here. I mentioned the whole pattern because you'd want 4 circles in a row I guess. I also commented on that pattern too later.


ok, will adjust the rhythms across the board to represent the song better here


fixed this one in particular



Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:18:283 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,2) - Unrelated to my general concern but... sticking to the same place for so long just feels lackluster and tedious. The song is quite dynamic and the map has quite a few jumps, staying in one place makes it feel so static and just underwhelming. Please do something else here, switch to the right side for this 00:19:587 - measure for example.


i emphasize playability over screen usage since it's more important to me and what makes a fun map to play for me. it seems bland but there are people that do enjoy this regardless, and i don't think it's underwhelming since the song has very little to offer until the part where i switch, where the song shifts in tone

you can see this in a lot of my maps, i tend to have patterns at one side of the screen or focused around the center for playability and enjoyment for the player to play -- after all, maps are meant to be played, right?


Just because it plays in a plausible way doesn't mean it can't play nicely while still utilizing grid usage properly. The placement being like that feels off more as a player than a mapper, this is me talking from a player's perspective.

Pretty sure that nobody has anything against dynamic screen usage but plenty people have it against reusing same part of the grid for too long.


i don't know how else to convey this but i just enjoy having maps that play like this in general, it's something that a lot of people also find enjoyable. i don't see a reason to change how the map flows.


I guess i can let this go if you're unwilling to cooperate, its just one pattern too many but if you don't want to improve something that everyone agrees on I'll resolve if its not so glaring.

Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:18:609 (2,3,4,5) - Don't think you should have 2-3 rhythmically emphasized when 00:19:261 (5) - these are two kicks and higher pitch which basically means much higher intensity and I think you should emphasize those sounds instead with rhythm and spacing. Currently 00:19:261 (5) - just has no emphasis even though the pitch is super loud.


honestly prefer keeping this as a slider for density reasons


How will density change by changing 2 circles into an slider and then a slider into 2 objects?


fixed zz



Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:20:892 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - The balance in rhythm is lacking, these are all really similar sounds yet you only use 4 circles on these 00:20:892 (1,2,3,4) - or circles in general. I mean it makes no sense to do that only there because circles on this spacing are much harder than sliders, you'd want to map them for example 00:21:870 (6) - here or 00:22:522 (2) - here too in order to better follow the general feel of the song if you plan to change rhythm without a change in song.


i don't see a huge issue with this pattern? it's similar to 00:16:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern and i'd rather keep the consistency here


went ahead and fixed the first one, don't see a huge issue with this one since not as much is going on in the song comparatively speaking


You know, it might be a good idea to stop wording it as "don't see a huge issue" because it makes you sound like you see an issue but I get what you mean.

Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:24:805 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,1,1) - I think that just picturing the grid placement of a whole section (12 seconds) in, a jumpy 6.6* diff is enough of a post. https://i.imgur.com/P0Khn26.jpg Yeah, staying in one place is not good, feels static already mentioned that somwhere in this mod.


see above response for this


I also agree the placement being so centered here is really bad, I dont see any valid reason in the above response that could justify this


still see above response to this, i don't see any reason to change these whatsoever


It just takes a bit of effort to make a map flow well and utilize the grid usage well, because everyone does that and everyone appreciates well used grid. I have yet to meet a person that enjoys static grid placement without a conceptual reason for it.

Taeyang for example treats it as the grid were smaller but you just treat it as "lets dynamically switch grid position, and oops I got stuck for 12 secs randomly here". And he actually uses it for playability because they're circles going in circles so its natural to stay in one place while you use back and forth horizontal or vertical.


i'm fairly certain the only people who care about grid or space usage are mappers and not players themselves. i've never once heard someone playing a map thinking to themselves "this needs more screen usage" or "wow, this pattern stays here for quite a while, really boring" -- if anything they actually complain more about extreme corners of the map being used (namely the bottom left and right corners). i personally have issues hitting patterns in the top right. i don't think having a pattern stay in one place for a while is inherently a bad thing for playability because of this.


Player's don't think, they feel it. They feel that something is off or doesn't feel good. It happens subconsciously, you can't expect any players to realize anything tbh. They just think about how many circles to click and where the next object is spacing wise.

Also, i'm not forcing corners.


it plays better all centered


Since you added more circles the centered placement makes more sense as it plays more smoothly. With sliders it was not the case so resolved.

Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:26:109 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - This ties to me general issue of rhythm spread. You start the section 00:24:805 - in a really dense way but suddenly here there are no jumps, there is nothing intense in a quite intense section of a 6.6* map. Just using twice 4-5 1/2 rhythms in a row like 00:28:065 (3,4,5) - here and 00:29:370 (4,5) - here would make the rhythm feel more dynamic and just express the general intensity better.


this isn't really that intense compared to the kiai so i represent that with lower spacing, having bigger spacing or more dense sections here would just contrast too heavily with the kiai


It wouldn't, the kiai is distinct by its spacing not by its density. You just used dense rhythm when the song called for it like in the end, not in general of the kiai section.


i should prob word myself better here: the dense parts on this i would like to represent via triples rather than with circles overall, and 00:24:968 (2,4) - these are supposed to be introductory into those triples. if need be im fine with 00:25:457 (1,2,1,2) - nerfing these.


A triple even stops motion it makes it technically more dense but it's less intense than 3 1/2's in a row that are jumps. And really the overall feeling of this part is super easier compared to the previous 00:13:066 - section. You even start it super dense and drop the idea for some reason..

Idk why you try to avoid making your map fun in a 6.6* map, using circles really rarely for such a song on a section more intense than the previous is just too underwhelming.. The spacing and the density are the same or lower (density yeah) than the previous less intense section.


made sliders into circles where i thought applicable in this section.


seems ok enough.

Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:37:848 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - Addressing the concern of rhythm density, the first measure has 4 jumps but the second has no jumps, they are generally really similar, in fact the second more intense probably but only the first one gets jumps. Again this doesn't feel right to choose so randomly when to use intense patterns such as jumps, it makes up an inconsistent difficulty experience even though the song is quiteee consistent. You could for example 00:39:783 (3,4) - make these into circles.


i don't see a real need to put these as circles since the spacing of them i feel does the job of representing the intensity well enough, no real need to do anything else here imo


made into circles



Marked as resolved by MaridiuS

00:39:783 (3,4) - https://i.imgur.com/0IQCdVL.jpg try this placement to give more emphasis for a higher pitch


ehh prefer it the way it is rn honestly, doesn't make too much of a difference either way



Marked as resolved by Sotarks

00:43:977 (4) - would be better to avoid these kind of perfect overlaps for a better readability, cuz mostly you're using overlaps like this 00:38:977 (6) - , 00:47:525 (1,3) - 00:50:267 (2,2) - etc.


this is a slider-circle overlap, prefer to keep it like this to differentiate the two, though i did change the flow here to accommodate this a bit better



Marked as resolved by Sotarks

00:48:170 (1,2,3) - maybe jumps here instead, cuz these sounds that you're following not really noticanble compared to the strong beats here


00:23:500 (1,2,3) - i do the same here so it's to keep consistency with this rhythm



Marked as resolved by Sotarks