Quite steange that this map hasn't been approved yet, even after 2 years. beautiful storyboard and map.
well idk how to say this politely but the hitsounding on both diffs is... pretty poorly done. near the beginning of [Sincerely,] the drum set finishes compliment the song pretty well but everything else seems really out of place; whistles and claps don't seem very consistent and there are plenty of places where it would make sense to take advantage of other sample sets rather than drum
Hey, i know you didnt wanted this, but i like this map so much and the storyboard is so good <3, i want to help you out with improving the diffs, but first let me ensure your metadata.
Artist: 猫叉Master feat. 永山マキ
Romanized Artist: Nekomata Master feat. Maki Nagayama
Title: 手紙
Romanized Title: Tegami
Useful Links:
oh wait turn back, apparently its "Nagayama Maki" with the meta thing about the japanese artist order eee sorry ;w;
Is it? I noticed the name switch, but I checked other maps such as https://osu.ppy.sh/b/168069 https://osu.ppy.sh/s/424179 and https://osu.ppy.sh/s/101317 and they also had it switched. Although I did find it the way you thought of with https://osu.ppy.sh/s/49721
Yeah, but you have to put the romanized name as how it is translated from original japanese to romaji
永山マキ translates to Nagayama Maki, "永山" being nagayama and "マキ" being maki
Also, please use "feat.", since thats how appears in the official CD
okay mod is done, sorry i took so long. i left stamps on both difficulties with general advice mostly in terms of aesthetics, this map does have a lot of potential and i do believe with some reworking of patterns and structure it can reach ranked one day!
btw, amazing sb!