01:11:479 (1) - NC starts on this tune, so why aren't the NCs placed at 01:16:585 (3) , 01:21:692 (3) , 01:26:798 (3) , 01:37:011 (3) , 01:42:117 (3) , 01:47:224 (3) ?
00:28:075 (2,3) - small parts of the sliders are offscreen, in 4:3 aspect ratio this is a problem
01:21:692 (1,2,3) - make sliders curvy/change style from (1) since a new instrument is introduced
00:41:479 (1,2,3,4) - seems a bit of a difficult pattern for hard, I'd suggest Ctrl+G on (1) and stacking (2) on (3)