00:00:498 (1,2) - Hyper here is inconsistent when you do a 1/2 slider on every other large sound hit similar to this--I would just make this a 1/2 slider instead.
00:00:498 (1,2) - Hyperdash could be removed as you did not provide any for the rest of the stanzas in this intro, i.e. 00:03:011 (1,2) - , 00:05:524 (1,2) - etc.
00:03:011 (1,2) - , 00:05:524 (1,2) - have 1/1 hypers beforehand while 00:00:498 (1,2) are the first objects in the map, so it's fair to emphasise it with 1/2 hyper
00:09:136 (3,4,5) - Better if the dash is placed between (3) and (4) to emphasize both the instrumental and vocal sound on (4).
00:14:791 (2) - Maybe make this a little more lenient since it kinda lacks flow for me here
00:15:262 (4,1) - Either reduce the distance cos the hdash is too snappy which will most of the time overshoot the next slider or nerf the extended slider
00:19:974 (3,4) - This is inconsistent with the position of hyperdash in 00:17:461 (7,8) - . Please rearrange the pattern so that 00:19:660 (2,3) becomes a dash and (3,4) becomes a hyperdash.
00:25:628 (1) - sooo uhh the same one that was in your overdose except it should be 3/4 slider + 1 circle
00:26:100 (2,3,4,5) - Feels more like an overdose pattern--consider nerfing distancing a bit.
00:26:571 (5,6) - edge dash pixel high distance more words more words please fix
00:29:084 (5,1) - Not a fan of the snap here--it's really static compared to everything around it. Consider putting some movement into these sliders.
00:33:953 (2,3,4) - Make this a back and forth, please--this is a huge difficulty spike in terms of stop-start flow.
00:39:450 (1) - Idk id reduce the sv here just a tinsy bit when its kinda tight to catch this then a hdash
00:44:477 (7,8) - Did you mean to put a hyper here? It's a really strong dash after the first hyper.
00:58:927 (2) - somehow distance between this circle and (1) slider is LONGER than it is in overdose so you gotta fix it (apply ds 1.0x)