00:01:283 (3) - move a little to the left because it's not cool to play salads where you catch a fruit and then stand to catch another fruit, you gotta move all the time xd
I tried but I think I'll leave as it was because even if I move it a little bit, player still can catch it without a movement to left. I also tried moving it even further but I think throughout the song there aren't many places like that (except the intro where I wanted to involve less movement) and even those which are serve the purpose of not making the diff super 'wiggly' and hard. At least that's what I think
These should all be turned down to like 1.5x or 1.4x because these are stronger than the kiai intro dash 00:28:770 (2).
00:12:435 (5,1) - Downbeat yet its just walkable might wanna fix that with making this section denser with one more circle on them middle then adjust the pattern if so
00:17:775 (4,1) - Reduce some distance here so that its not too tight to walk towards to after the dash earlier thank you
00:20:602 (1) - reduce some slider leniency here a little bit since its also kinda tight on the antiflow imo
00:36:937 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Really low movement between (2,3), (4,1), (2,3). It's a bit weird to play because it's the only really low spaced part of the kiai and I don't see why. Consider increasing distancing here (you may have to flip 00:39:450 (1) to the other side if you want to simply drag 00:37:566 (3,4) and 00:38:823 (3,4) rightwards.)
oof I did this accidentally, fixed. I didn't need to flip, because I increased the spacing between 00:36:309 (3,1) - these to make a dash here
RC: At least 250 ms must be left between objects and the start and end of spinners to ensure readability. As an example, a 1/3 gap would be required at 80 bpm, whereas a 1/2 gap would be required at 120 BPM.
You need a 1/1 gap--1/2 is still unrankable, coming in at a 157 ms gap. Best solution would be to make 00:56:728 (2) a hitcircle.