Nobody wtore this, so i will. This map is NOT rankable, at all, quality is too low for that section, so there is no point in trying to push it. This map is well suited for loved, and you made really big mistake removing it from that category
Now for the reasoning behind my words: this mapset has NO diffs, in which you could see any logic at all, there are no patterns, no flow, no spacing logic, rhythm choises are also poor in alot of places. Just let this map die, or make people somehow put it into loved again
03:06:608 (5,6,7) - these circles don't make any sense, there is no sound in any of that, you need to remove it, it's against ranking criteria (every circle must be mapped to a sound)
really like the insane difficulty map. wish it had more love for the higher difficulty ones.
Hi, it's me! I migrated all my mods from the forum to here. As far as this new modding thing goes, there's a few things to keep in mind. When people leave mods, and they're marked as a problem or suggestion, you need to respond to them, marking them as resolved. Also, every mod you address, it's recommended you give it a thumbs up, regardless whether you listened to the mod or not. It's the new way of giving kudosu.
In any case, all the best to you and your mapping in the future.