My name is Lunar! I started playing at the beginning of 2019 and have been playing semi consistently since then :3 I play tech/marathon and farm accuracy in my top plays please ignore all the aimslop im just tryna skill push dt atm...! I try and farm medals and pass hard maps while also trying to improve my skills overall I am a nomod/dt singletap choke player (hd is the worst and hr is impossible) and play with a tablet (Wacom CTL-672) [area here]
2025 >500pp play >get better at dt >90% medal club >200+ hours play time >get better at alting >get better at low bpm
2024 >reach 4 digit [🗸] >500pp play [x] >learn how to play mods [x] >get better at low bpm [x] >get better aim control [🗸] >get better "farm" aim (jump/stream farm) [🗸] >90% medal club [x] >200+ hours of playtime [x]
2023 >reach 4 digit [x] >500pp play [x] >learn how to play mods [x] >play in more tournaments [x] >get better finger control [🗸] >learn how to stream lower bpm [x] >get a better mindset [x] >get more consistent in my play sessions [x] >99.50% profile accuracy (at least once) [🗸]
2022 >reach 4 digit [x] >400pp play [🗸] >500pp play [x] >better 200 stamina [🗸] >singletap 250bpm+ consistently [🗸] >learn how to play mods [x] >play in more tournaments [🗸] >get better finger control [x] >get better flow aim [🗸] >get more consistent overall [x] >get a better mindset [x]
Thank you to Vampella for 1 year, 1 month of supporter! I hope you die in a horrible way and all of your loved ones forget about you. <3
Thank you to Xanthony for 6 months of supporter you absolute idiot, rethink everything you've done in life since it has lead to this point where you have achieved nothing except meaningless generosity towards a game of clicking circles. Dumbass. <3
Thank you to AKNDS for 4 months of supporter you fucking bitch! <3
Thank you to KoaLeahq for 2 months of supporter! <3
Thank you to Freddie Benson2 for 2 months of supporter you little bitch! <3