Changelog8/11/2016: Finished all diffs and hitsounding
8/12/2016: Applied Protastic's mod, deleted extra hitsounds
8/13/2016: Applied hannanos' and LinkTaylord's mods
8/18/2016: Applied Hydria's mod
8/25/2016: Changed ending of Black Another
9/02/2016: Applied CloudHolic's mod
9/12/2016: Applied Lass and Ciel's mods. Changed diff names
10/03/2016: Applied XeoStyle, kaythen, and Lenfried-'s mods
10/17/2016: Applied Soul Evans, Adiopulse, and the rest of Lass's mods
10/27/2016: Improved BG quality and changed ending of Black Another
11/12/2016: Small changes, checked hitsounds
12/03/2016: Bubbled by -Kamikaze-!
12/04/2016: Applied Protastic101's mod. Qualified by Protastic101!
12/06/2016: Dequalified for incorrect snaps. Fixed snaps in Another (thanks Kawawa and Blocko). Bubbled by Blocko!
12/07/2016: Requalified by -Kamikaze-!