00:00:700 (1) - 01:52:601 (1) - Insufficient recovery time for spinners, needs to be at least 1 beat of recovery time at the end
sliders with multiple frequent reverses need to be avoided players at this level are not yet ready to hit these 00:17:816 (4) -
this is perfectly fine on hard diff, and shouldnt be mark as a problem
take this map https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1988616#osu/4412270 for example
both is acceptable, the rule and guideline say "fully', which all the note you mention here arent fully overlap, they are slightly space out
take this map https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/4056032 at 00:24:225 (1,2) for example
01:03:276 (2) is 1/1 beat so the rule & guideline dont even apply here