mapped by Kaixrra
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You never used any timing points in this entire set, this leads me to believe that you don't know what they are yet. you can press F6 to open the timing panel to add inherited timing points to change the slider velocity, hitsound volume and some other stuff like adding kiai time. You can use this to better reflect the song however you like and there is lots of interpretation to be done on what is best in any given map. But it's pretty simple for lower diffs so that is what I will talk about for now.

In easy, normal and hard diffs distance snap should be kept on in 99% of cases, right now your use of time distance equality is very random as well as unreflective of the song and each maps respective difficulty. This is a problem because most players at this skill level still need a clear visual indicator to differentiate between rhythms and aren't yet prepared to make big adjustments to their gameplay between each individual object. Lots of mappers including myself like to add timing points to increase or decrease slider velocity slightly, keeping it in range of about 0.8x to 1.2x for easy and normal difficulties and 0.7 and 1.3x for hard difficulties. This lets us add a bit of contrast to maps with low difficulties while complying with the strict difficulty requirements, and giving a bit more of an enjoyable experience to newer players.


Thank you for your help, it is very appreciated

Marked as resolved by Kaixrra

It doesn't make any sense for your spinn to start even before your timing point

Start at 00:00:730


Thank you for the help

Marked as resolved by Kaixrra

It's okay if you want to connect these sliders visually speaking, but you can't stack them literally at the same timing
01:09:932 (2,3)


Thank you for the help

Marked as resolved by Kaixrra