00:13:199 (1,2,3,4) - Although I could get the point of axial symmetry pattern, the 1,2,3 combination of long walk-short stand-higher snap dash-antiflow walk is too hard for Platte players. When coming to a higher-snap dash players prefer more nature flows, so I prefer bending slider 1 and make 1,2 into followflow:
00:15:600 (1,2,3,4) - Weird on track snapping. No matter following guitar or drums 00:16:050 is missing. If u r concerning too much density then 00:16:650 (4) could be deleted.
i am following the guitar here and did not map 00:16:050 for density reasons like you already said.
i chose to not map 00:16:050 over 00:16:650 (4) - because i think 00:16:650 (4) - is a more important sound when following the guitar and because i could then have a 1/2 dash for 00:16:650 (4,1) - .
leaving this open as it is marked as a problem stamp for further discussion.
00:45:750 (1,2,1) - id say simplify movement. bpm is high and song is at its lowest point that much movement is an overdo
Would be cool if you could make this 00:46:950 (1) - a dash so the stronger vocal stands out in the section from 00:45:750 - to 00:47:550 -
(made them tap dashes to maintain contrast for 00:47:550 (2,3))
00:49:350 (1,2) - Prefer just moving 1 lefter to stack with 2. A perfect stacking would be cooler
that would create a hyper over 1,3x the trigger distance which is ~3,4x and stacking it on top of 2 would be 3,64x
Strong hyperdashes should not be used. For basic-snapped hyperdashes, a limit of 1.5 times the >trigger distance is recommended. For higher-snapped hyperdashes, a limit of 1.3 times the trigger >distance is recommended instead.
01:26:849 (2,3) - this part i think do 1/2 slider for buildup is more better
right now it look strange
01:27:149 (3) - would split this into 1/2 slider into a note or just 3 notes where 01:27:450 - becomes a dash i feel like its kinda weird to not emphasize this loud beat