00:12:450 (2,3) - 00:14:850 (2,3) - 00:17:250 (2,3) - 00:37:950 (3,4) - pattern like this can you nerf to slider
you put on too much
except kiai part
not quite sure what you mean here i am following the guitar with these patterns, could you for example provide an image so i can understand better what you mean? (also i have the same rhythm on platter so if i nerf this the it would be less dense than the platter which i want to avoid)
I get what Kukkai means: For every two note selected by Kukkai, could u nerf them into one x1.0 speed slider? Currently these are x1.3 big antiflow walk after a jump, with no slider small fruit for visual guidance. nerfing them to x1.0 slider would be eaiser on Rain difficulty and also have visual guidance.
00:29:550 (3,4,1) - can you make 00:29:550 (3,4) can you make this flow like 00:28:350 (3,4) -
this hard for rain
i see what you mean but i could not find a way to restructure the stuff previous to that pattern without creating really bad flow so yea no chnages on that for now but ur still right
doing a hdash for 00:29:550 (3,4) - would create a double hyper which i really dont see fitting here
01:06:450 (2,3,4,5,6) - can you nerf this 01:06:450 (2,3,4) - this not clear is walk or dash (for me feel like dash)
it make like this part Hold Dash 6 note
01:08:550 (1,2,3,4) - #4857713 Similarly see if can be fully stacked. 1 could be moved much lefter as there's nothing after this big jump so it could be fine.
as i couldn't apply it for the platter i dont want to apply it here regardless of it it breaks a guideline or not to stay consistent
01:27:750 (1,2) - i think make this 1/2 slider it better for emphasis snare cymbal here or do rhythm like this
image not not loading for me which makes it hard to understand what you mean. but i think rhythm is fine?
01:28:500 (4,5,6) - Since snap structure is changed now I would suggest make this triple fully left horizental for final climax
i actually like the curve that 01:28:350 (3,4,5,6) - forms now i hope you are fine with me keeping this