Consider lowering the volume a bit, the note are kind of overplaying over a lot of the song for most parts. 70% can be for non-kiai sections and 85% for kiai section
02:05:751 - no improv is really needed here, there isn't anything in the song to really play of it. removing 02:05:751 and adding a finisher at 02:05:832 for the cymbals would be more fitting.
consider moving 01:39:399 -> 01:38:751 to play more of the vocals, there is no notable sound where the note is currently. same for 01:36:805 which can just be deleted.
00:44:264 - missing kick as was done for 00:48:318. you could perhaps delete 00:33:886 is you were going for some variation since this note isn't quite as prominent imo.
also muzu and futsuu/kantan are using two different rhythms making this rather part confusing. Suggest just making everything identical to top diff since it makes the most sense