i see your concern, snare here 00:40:259 - hits a bit late and so does 00:40:559 (1) - but this is not an issue for many reasons
timing this properly would make for really terrible gameplay as the measure 00:41:159 - is perfectly in sync (bpm would drastically speed up then down)
many notes around it are perfectly in sync as of the current timing such as the vocal here 00:40:409 - kick here 00:40:709 - and snare here 00:40:859 - so it's pretty impossible to have everything sync up here for that reason
1 + 2 = simplification is best
add these red lines and you can see how horrible this is timed perfectly
u try to mute final sliders that end on blue ticks but the green line is misaligned on every diff so it doesnt actually mute, resnap the lines
i feel myself like theres some delay in this custom hs when i playing this map, and i think it's because of the "fade in" in this sound
any chances you could use this less delayed sample?