00:18:136 - this nc is very long (yes it's only 22 notes but it's almost 20 seconds), and there are very sensible spots to split it up. i suggest ncs at 00:23:469 (7) - and 00:30:581 (15) -
ncing 01:23:914 (11) - helps in the same way for the long nc after first kiai
the reply on this is for consistency, you are supposed to do what you did in the first section to the second. when applied correctly https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19497408/2619
01:03:247 (9) - for this specific one, i'd probably avoid following it.
With 01:01:692 (7,8) - being 2/1 appart and 01:03:914 (10,11) - being 1/1 appart, it can be suprising. Unlike others patterns like 01:12:803 (1,2,3,4,5) - they have 3/1 rest making it easier to hit 3/2 snaps. moving 01:03:247 (9) - back to 01:03:025 - kinda feel wrong, so best spot for it would probably be here 01:03:469 - with the same color as 01:03:914 (10) - to make it sound like a drum roll before the strong finisher.
01:05:692 (1) - move to 01:05:247 don't worry about the guideline on this one because, it's counterintuitive if this is not mapped on the vocal for consistency
p.s: mapset verifier didnt like that so i have to find a way to find a break
deleted 01:12:358 and 03:02:581 but deleting 01:12:358 in first kiai didnt shut MV up because 1st kiai is slightly longer than 3rd (3rd kiai doesnt have the 1st line of chorus 02:40:358 - 02:43:914 mapped coz only bass is playing)
01:12:358 (1) - move to 01:12:803
01:13:692 (3) - move to 01:13:914 and finisher
01:14:136 (4) - remove
Reasoning: Your current placement is OK since there is musical support for that. But there are stronger sounds nearby so I suggest snapping to those here. I personally believe it would make it much more intuitive and straightforward for the players. Just a suggestion, though... do what you will :3
02:08:804 - seems a bit strange to have this note here considering your previous 3-plets and 5-plets all have a rest moment after a downbeat in this section like for 02:01:248 - 02:03:026 - 02:06:582 -. You could make it stand out less by simply deleting 02:07:915 - if you want to keep 02:08:804 - for the drum and guitar representation
02:43:914 (1) - could remove this nc and let 02:43:469 (1) - be the only one here, having 2 player changes only 1/1 apart might confuse kantan players
02:47:469 (1) - could move this nc to the note after it, same for 03:05:247 (1) - ; player changes at the end of a pattern instead of after it are usually weird to play