audio: the current audio is slightly bloated for 166kbps:
use this audio which is 128kbps instead:
this version of the song seems to be the shortened game version of (which is the official long version)
therefore you need to add the (Game Ver.)
marker at the end of the title. the title should read:I Wanna (Game Ver.)
can delete 静香 shizuka 長谷川育美 hasegawa ikumi
from tags, it's already in the artist fields
add the following:
(genre tag on its own)yume no stellarium
(romanisation of 夢のステラリウム)オンゲキ
(ongeki in jp)_hellfly_
(gd name with underscores)ユメステ
(common abbreviation of 夢のステラリウム)志村真白 shimura mashiro
(composer / lyricist)firstcall first call music
(production group that shimura mashiro is in)シリウス sirius
(group name that shizuka is in)here's the tags with all the changes:
ワールドダイスター 夢のステラリウム ユメステ world dai star yume no stellarium original japanese jpop j-pop pop olivier rhythm game オンゲキ ongeki bright memory 志村真白 shimura mashiro firstcall first call music シリウス sirius kop 6th kop6th qualifiers _hellfly_ hellfly amasugi avias_