00:19:514 - what do you think about moving this note to 00:19:914 (and of course changing the color)? I think this has nice support from the 1/4 in the song here, and also makes it so you have a prominent feature at the 8th beat of this loop, similar to how you have the D D
finishers in the odd loops(00:16:614, 00:23:014). Also gives it a relationship with 01:11:014.
01:52:614-01:55:814 - maybe you can flip the colors of this whole passage?
at least from what I gathered in 01:43:414-01:56:214, it seemed that you were starting phrases with len with blue and rin with red. Not sure if that was coincidental or intended, but thats how it all is except for the last bit at 01:52:614-01:55:814, and i think itd be cool to lean fully into that idea.
02:28:214 - the HS vol here feels a little low to me. Id probably suggest bumping it at least to 70%, maybe 80%?
Also on a related note, youre doing a pretty big vol jump all the way from 25% at 02:28:214, so id recommend adding another volume line earlier before the note, so the vol still gets applied if the player hits early.