00:22:715 (1,2) - don't think doubles work here cuz the piano is just playing a chord and not consecutive notes
00:37:873 (1,2) - as well
00:24:768 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - these ncs don't really fit here tbh. It's just a heptuple with uniform spacing throughout
00:30:610 (1,2) - should make lower spacing between these objects to get more acsent on 00:31:241 (1) -
00:35:031 (1,2,1) - this pattern seems forced and isn't match with what u did before. when your instrumental is peaking you're making pattern with low spacing what feels kinda underwhelming (ex. curently spacing similar with 00:33:768 (3,1,1,2) - where song is passive obviously). could make spacing bigger like 00:36:926 (1,2,1) - to save your spacing emphasize.
01:03:136 (2) - Is on a different sound + a lot stronger than 01:02:820 (1) - so these should not be grouped in the same pattern.
01:05:978 (2,1) - 01:06:926 (1,1) - Kinda wish the spacings could be bigger to reflect that the song has been trying to ramp up since 01:05:347 - .
01:39:768 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - feel like if they're less overlappy and given more movement it'd fit the song's intensity and accordion better
01:41:662 (1,2,1,2) - 01:43:241 (1,2,1) - Get the idea but this also ended up using only minimal movement when the song is reaching climax.
Could swap 01:41:978 (2,1) - to create some sort of back-and-forth jumps like:
So that it at least retains your original pattern idea while keeping the gameplay challenging (if you agree then a similar idea can be applied to 01:43:241 (1,2,1) - as well).