mapped by -Rustyy
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I feel like the kiai is slightly underwhelming. There are sections with lack of hyper usage and I think it would be cool if you placed some on the pitch changes in vocal. It usually lands on all the NCs which also gives a good reason for getting hypers there.
00:54:233 (6,1) - 00:56:108 (8,1) - 00:57:983 (8,1) - 01:01:733 (6,1) - 01:03:608 (8,1) - etc


same applies for 2nd kiai


pitches here in my opinion are not intense enough to warrant hypers unlike where at 00:58:100 - and 00:58:569 - the pitches are basically at their peak so i'd like to keep as is

Marked as resolved by Vaqu

personal opinion, if you don't want to use hypers during the majority of the kiai, you should at least increase the difficulty in patterning as the melody progresses - otherwise this kiai is really easy to play compared to the previous sections which is really odd

Reopened by Malai

hs should be rearrange here in some places, as the parts overdose mapped with long sliders here are mapped with normal patterns and lack proper feedback


i think i'll make my own hs for this diff is rusty is okay with it


hs has been made for vaqu's diff

Marked as resolved by -Rustyy

can you tone down normal-hitnormal8? it's a bit jarring, too loud. That way it might fit the song better

Reopened by Mniam

also MV says:
Delayed hit sounds. "normal-hitclap8.wav" has a delay of ~3 ms, of which 2 ms is complete silence.



Marked as resolved by Vaqu

whoops nvm volume hasnt changed

Reopened by Vaqu


Marked as resolved by -Rustyy

02:22:944 - this section lacks hypers on strong downbeat. I think you should put some more just like you did in the section before first kiai



Marked as resolved by Vaqu

00:15:444 - 00:29:975 and 00:37:944 - 00:52:006
I don't like how most of the spacing feels extremely ambiguous. everything seems walkable yet half of the patterns I'm barely hitting or even missing. if I tend to use dash, then every single patttern becomes a dash, which isn't really expressive to the song, neither does it fit a calmer part of the song.

I think you should rearrange distances, so it's more noticeable whether you have to dash or walk. The problematic values l saw were 1.1-1.4x. I would stick to max 1.0x as a walk and 1.4x+ for dashes


It's tbh throughout the whole map like 03:08:881 (4,5) - 03:14:037 (5,1) - 03:16:381 (4,5) - 03:17:319 (1,2) - 03:18:256 (4,5) - here for example I notice it all the time. I think it might need to be looked at thoroughly in all sections (maybe besides kiais, those felt natural to play)


i went thru the whole map and arranged dashes and walks, so should look fine now

Marked as resolved by Vaqu