00:15:444 - 00:29:975 and 00:37:944 - 00:52:006
I don't like how most of the spacing feels extremely ambiguous. everything seems walkable yet half of the patterns I'm barely hitting or even missing. if I tend to use dash, then every single patttern becomes a dash, which isn't really expressive to the song, neither does it fit a calmer part of the song.
I think you should rearrange distances, so it's more noticeable whether you have to dash or walk. The problematic values l saw were 1.1-1.4x. I would stick to max 1.0x as a walk and 1.4x+ for dashes
It's tbh throughout the whole map like 03:08:881 (4,5) - 03:14:037 (5,1) - 03:16:381 (4,5) - 03:17:319 (1,2) - 03:18:256 (4,5) - here for example I notice it all the time. I think it might need to be looked at thoroughly in all sections (maybe besides kiais, those felt natural to play)