00:01:271 (1271|0,1271|1,1428|2,1586|3) - at the start of the music maybe you can follow the pitch?
in my view , at the start of the music, the pitch is B G E D C D ,its from high to low and back to high, so maybe i will do the pattern like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19198904/299e , just a suggestion XD
00:15:402 (15402|3,15481|3) - This minijack appears out of nowhere in the chart, and is the only minijack in a section of otherwise simple jumpstream, and there's no clear reason for it within the song, which leads me to think this is unintentional.
It's quite sudden and uncomfortable, and I think this section would play a lot better if it was removed
I gotta agree, even with the rearrangement, it still feels really awkward. Try this, it keeps the 1/4 trill but puts it on the hand opposite the LN making it easier to execute ![]9https://prot.s-ul.eu/5KoPLz2M)
Sudden burst of double triple usage here is a bit concerning tbh.
Based on what I can see for overall pattern usage on this overall section, the double triple usage should be something like this:
the pattern itself you can rearrange it as what you like but overall, the double triple usage would be somewhere similar like that, and you can start to introduce the 1/8 before the 1/8 burst ahead.
00:16:113 (16113|3,16271|3,16428|3,16586|3,16744|3,16902|3) - Very long anchor in col 4, would try rearranging to reduce the weight and strain
00:16:665 (16665|1,16744|3,16744|0,16784|2,16823|1,16863|0,16902|3) - ,
Could rearrange into https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19288943/e7b8 to make it a bit more balanced.
00:18:047 (18047|2,18086|3,18126|0,18165|1) - Would continue making this 4-3-2-1, the sudden shift in direction makes this very awkward
00:18:481 (18481|3,18521|2,18560|1,18599|0,18639|2,18718|1,18797|2,18876|1) - I have some worries about the length of these long notes, specifically that they're a bit too short, to the point where it impacts the how well this section plays.
These long notes being 1/8ths makes these play as if they're 380 1/4 long notes, which is far too short to be reasonably hit accurately, especially considering these almost completely don't show a long note tail in game.
I'd suggest adjusting these to be rice notes, or lengthening these to be 1/4, which is far more manageable
This also applies for 01:54:955, 01:56:218, 01:56:849, 01:57:165, 01:57:955, 01:58:586, and 01:59:376 as well in the ending.
ill have to be making some adjustments for this cuz doing what this suggest makes it so that the difficullty is over 6* so ill nerf a bit to add this mod in a certain way its not sr boost
00:18:639 (18639|2,18718|2) - i think the minijack could be moved to col4, there have more space from the trill and minijack
Honestly dont want to do this, the thing is that the jack have to be together, if i move one i have to move the other which will end up in a jack in right hand and thats more difficult, so its staying like that
00:20:218 (20218|3,20297|2,20376|1,20455|0) - the sounds here is Triplet, i think this pattern can't emphasize the triplet sounds
Youre actually right, the entire section was wrong in that specific part, so i changed it, i guess its better now, fixed
00:20:849 (20849|0,21007|3) - Would control H to make 00:20:691 (20691|1,20770|1) - easier to hit
00:23:376 (23376|0,23533|3) - Same
00:25:270 (25270|0,25428|0,25586|0,25744|0,25823|0) - Try to rearrange for comfort cause the anchor + 1/4 minijack is very difficult to hit
00:28:270 (28270|3,28270|2) - why here doubled? here is no kick compared with 00:27:797 -
00:35:376 (35376|0,35533|0,35691|0,35849|0,36007|0,36165|0,36402|0) - Try to reduce this anchor
00:54:955 (54955|0,55112|0,55270|0,55428|0,55586|0,55744|0,55902|0,56060|0,56218|0,56376|0,56533|0,56691|0,56849|0,57007|0,57165|0,57323|0,57481|0) - an anchor with 17notes, i think can be optimization
Uhm i think to OG mapper of this section wanted to make it like that so its actually dificult even tho its a simple 1/4 light jumpstream and i personally think thats ok, im closing this but in case theres more suggestion of me having to change this part ill do something about it, its staying like this for thhe tie being
00:59:376 (59376|0) - for the playability,i think this note can be delete,so hard to hit actually
feels soooo awkward to ignore the sound, same as b4 if more suggestions are made ill change it!
No, I agree, it should be deleted, the 1/8 minitrill is very easily going to be a combo break
01:04:112 (64112|0,64112|2) - im a little confused about why double here,i think its unnecessary
theres a sound and piano is already being followed as singles so using another single for that sound would be weird, keeping it like that for now
This can be changed in the near future if more ppl says so!
01:13:270 (73270|1,74376|2,74455|0,74533|2,74533|1,74533|0) - ,
Personally, I think this looks weird and unnecessarily hard to hit.
It would be better if you can rearrange it into something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19266887/8c73
01:14:533 - for the cymbal sounds here,it may should be triple
01:15:165 (75165|2,75165|0,75165|1) - at this part, i think u can make kick doubled and cymbal triple to compare kick and cymbal
01:24:481 (84481|2,84560|2) - 01:30:165 (90165|1,90244|1) - Seems like inconsistent minijack that doesn't really appear at any other similar spots, might be good to double check this
01:24:639 (84639|1,84639|0,84797|3,84797|1,84955|0,84955|3,85112|2,85112|0,85191|1,85270|3,85270|2,85428|3,85428|1,85586|0,85586|2,85744|1,85744|0,85902|2,85902|3,86060|1,86060|0,86218|2,86218|0,86376|1,86376|3) - im a little bit not understand why LN are suddenly be shorter here,not only for the consistency but also for the difficulty here is obviously easier than 01:19:586 - with the more dense music
ima need chu help here fam, if i could get like a suggestion or sum would be great, cuz i might aswell so some copy paste but it doesnt feel right
nvm i cooked, and i cooked good imo, if more changes have to be made pls tell me, also about other section similar to this!
01:52:428 (112428|3,112428|2,112507|3) - Move minijack to col 3 and 01:52:428 (112428|2) - to col 4
01:53:060 (113060|0,113060|1,113139|0) - Might be easier to move minijack to col 2 and 01:53:060 (113060|1) - to 1
01:58:705 (118705|0) - Would just make this rice note instead of extending this into 01:58:744 -
No, actually this note is in a wrong spot it should be on 01:58:665 - and then it can be a LN just like 01:58:033 (118033|3) - this was completely out of place, thank you for making me notice that!
Still give the kudo cuz it worked anyways haha
01:59:218 - till end,
why not rearrange into https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19288940/4b77 ?
consistent LN hold length and more balanced.
01:59:612 (119612|1,119652|2,119691|0,119731|1,119770|3,119810|2,119849|1,119889|0) - why not just make roll ,i don't find anything that can make the flow be interrupted
it was a roll, but i changed it, using 1/8 one direction rolls is boring, so i went for this, same, if more ppl say i must, then ill change it back