00:04:644 (2) - Could move this slider up a bit to introduce more spacing emphasis into the drop at 00:04:912 (1) - ?
00:08:662 (4,5,1) - Maybe try something like this to help emphasize the melody and stronger sound on 00:09:198 (1) - ?
00:10:403 (6,7) - Spacing is pretty tiny compared to earlier, could just overlap 00:10:403 (6) with 00:10:002 (4) - ?
00:16:832 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This section is more calm compared to the earlier kiai, would scale these jumps down a bit.
Could also make the spacing more gradual to support the buildup, maybe try:
Oh this was supposed to be scaled down lmao
I just matched the spacing with 00:15:761 (1,2,3,4,5) - so I don't think it should be an issue? The example in the screenshot looks disproportionately small especially for a 7* top diff honestly.
00:47:100 (2,3) - Could just make this a 1/2 slider to help put more focus on the drums on 00:47:368 (4,5,1,2) - ?
00:54:064 (1,2,3) - Spacing is slightly underwhelming, could move 00:54:198 (2) - to the left a bit more.
may move it a bit to the left, wider angle would make 01:03:975 (4,5,6) more comfortable to play
01:09:332 (1,2,1,2) - these jumps aren't supported by the song bro
should be a 1/2 slider into like a small jump or even stack of circles (or just both 1/2 sliders)
also 01:12:546 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - think this is too spaced out considering the intensity of the drums is dying out here
flow change is fine but the problem on 01:09:332 (1,2,1,2) - still persists, see #4534918/12089469 for a possible solution
01:12:546 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - going alongside this post #4534918/12053374
u cud probably change the flow on these to be clockwise so theres some variety here and not just spamming counterclockwise jumps
01:16:832 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing feels overexaggerated since the drums aren't too intense here, nerfing would also help give more emphasis to 01:17:368 (5,1).
might do something like this to make it flow better into the hard part: 01:22:055 (1,2,3,4,5) - this has circular flow basically and 01:23:261 (1,2,3,4,5,6) doesn't have it because circular flow breaks when 01:23:662 (3,4) kicks in