I'm sorry to be that guy but isn't this a must have according to RC? A similar case happened to me around a year and a half ago and I was told to dq for this when I asked on BN server 1890928#3463947 - It should take a moment to dq and add the tag anyways. If this changed and I wasn't aware I'm sorry for reopening and feel free to close again!
Since you have stuff like yōkoso shijō kyōshitsu
in tags, i think you should also include youkoso shijou kyoushitsu
as well cuz that's the proper writing of the romaji?
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
●wrong lyrics?
i think u selecting whole wrong texts here
●just a suggestion
→for japanese perspection,
sentense here is more natural when it separetes
→same thing,
「親愛」is 1 word so maybe
or even