mapped by Xushey
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This beatmap wasn't updated since 18 January 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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really minor thing but i don't particularly love the 1/4 filler here? there's a lot of 1/4 that really accurately reflects some interesting vocals in the song (in particular, I love 00:11:060 (1,2,3,4,5) as a pattern), or drum action, or even just like the undrlying beat, but there's also a couple moments where I think including all the sounds makes for a bit of a weird pattern:

for example, at 00:31:888 (4,5,6) there is technically a sound on 5, but it's a drum sound and it kinda fades into the background because it's part of the backing beat of the whole song, and the map has been mainly following vocals for the past however long. so mapping 5 gives it much more emphasis (for breaking out of that "mapping vocals" pattern that was generally happening) than i think the drum deserves and i'm not sure it worked well for me, but like i say there is technically something there so this is really just a minor personal nitpick


well, i'm not that sure what you mean. but its a hard diff of course i follow mainly the vocals with the drums. i wont map every most silent/special noice in the background on hard diff

Marked as resolved by Xushey

yeah what i was trying to say is that i like the 1/4s on vocals but i dont like the 1/4s on drums as much because the vocals are much more important/"foregrounded" (whereas the drums are pretty constant throughout the song and i feel they're not special enough for the extra density of a 1/4). advocating for less mapped sounds instead of more
(so for example I would prefer 00:31:888 (4,5,6) without 5)


Kiai feels extremely underwhelming, more or less the easiest part of the song. its less dense than most of the map and at some parts even less dense than the normal. would suggest buffing it a bit.


you're right... i replaced 1/2 slider with circles (hopefully it buffs the diff?!)

Marked as resolved by Xushey