00:12:729 (12729|3,12794|0,12860|1,12925|2,12990|3) - unsnapped hihats, should be charted like 00:21:077 (21077|0,21142|2,21207|1,21338|2) -
(new timing
00:14:816 (14816|1,14816|2,15077|3) - missing 1/6 hihat roll here like 00:10:642 (10642|2,10729|0,10816|3,10903|1) -
(new timing
00:20:555 (20555|1) - move this note to the 4th column to match the structure with 00:12:207 - and then move 00:20:816 (20816|3) - to the 2nd one
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00:36:995 (36995|2) - similar thing of #4171169, move the mentioned note on the 2nd column to fill it a little bit
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00:38:435 (38435|0,38435|3) - why it isnt stacked with a note behind and after like all the other doublets? in this way the left hand it's heavier than the right hand; in order to balance that follow this:
(new timing
00:44:075 (44075|2,44255|2,44375|2,44555|2,44675|2,44915|2,45155|2,45275|2) - / 00:44:255 (44255|3,44435|3,44555|3,44795|3,44915|3) - little anchors,
the green part it's not stacked to let it breath a little bit, you should do it only after every difficult sections
(new timing
00:46:355 - to 00:47:315 - it's really tricky compared with the rest of the chart, it looks like the top diff:
00:46:235 (46235|3,46355|3,46475|3,46595|3,46775|3,46955|3,47135|3,47255|3) - /00:46:655 (46655|2,46775|2,46895|2,47075|2,47195|2,47315|2) - / 00:46:415 (46415|0,46595|0,46715|0,46835|0,47015|0,47135|0,47255|0) - | anchors that go brrr
in this way you'll totally avoid 3 (1/4) += notes in the same row
(new timing
00:51:155 (51155|1,51155|0,51235|0,51235|3,51315|3,51315|2,51395|1,51395|0,51635|2,51635|3,51715|3,51715|1,51795|1,51795|0,51875|0,51875|2) - why are these note trickier in the insane diff compared with the modoku one?
also the two patterns are different:
to fix this first of all you should switch the pattern from insane <-> modoku,
then in the modoku diff just use the 2 stacked note variant, 3 it's too much
(new timing
00:52:595 (52595|0) - is this note for the vocal, because if not it should be rem oved, if instead it's you should add a normal note here at 00:53:555 -
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00:53:795 (53795|1) - move this note to the 4th column for playability, your current pattern it's heavy on the left hand cause 00:53:795 (53795|1,53915|1) - / 00:53:915 (53915|0,54035|0) -
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00:56:915 - ik that's intentional but while playing it's really feelable that something it's missing, also all around that note can be improved, lemme suggest this:
(new timing
00:58:115 (58115|0,58115|1,58195|0,58195|2,58275|3,58275|2,58355|3,58355|0,58435|2,58435|1) - it's really close to being tricky as the modoko diff
00:58:515 (58515|0,58595|0,58675|3,58755|3) - are still fine since are easy to hit for me, but the first mentioned section have to be nerfed
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01:02:555 (62555|3,62555|2,62615|0,62615|1) - have a lower pitch compared with 01:02:435 (62435|2,62435|3,62495|0,62495|1) - , what about making them single note? or at least 01:02:615 (62615|1,62615|0) - to match with the triplets before
(new timing
01:03:635 - to 01:17:075 -, this section it's really really similar to the top diff, and it's even trickier compared:
(ex: 01:04:595 - ):
(ex: 01:10:115 - ):
they're really really similar
i suggest to:
(new timing
For this section I did what I could to make it a bit different the modoku diff, please still do check if anything throws it off
01:18:035 (78035|2,78035|1,78080|0,78115|3,78140|1) - make this more linear, it's trickier than the top diff
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01:21:875 (81875|2,81875|3,82115|3) - it's feels a little bit odd to play, suggestion:
in this way you keep switching hands and it'll be cooler to play
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01:26:195 (86195|0,86435|1) - consider to move the tail of these two lns to 01:26:915 -, it feels a little bit pretty empty compared with all the rest of the chart.
also idk if it's intentional but at 01:26:555 - / 01:26:675 - there's percussion kicks in the bg that can be charted
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01:28:515 (88515|0) - / 01:28:995 (88995|1) - / 01:29:955 (89955|0) - remove this 1/3 minijack, this section it's really linear it doenst have any type of heavy jack.
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01:32:595 (92595|1) - consider to move up the tail of this ln to the 1/1 grid line
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01:33:615 (93615|2,93635|1,93715|3,93735|0) - these 1/12 graces are really weird to play:
but honestly i dont think players will listen that difference if you chart them normal doublets, graces are mostly used in sharp sounds like the edm / hihats / (even piano because naturally note placements)
for that i dont think that using grace fits, you should make them normal doublets.
(new timing
ended just redoing this part, don't think I meant to put graces as they should have been doubles most likely