Hello there! Im Kurumi or just Kuru. I'm a retired osu!mania player and mapper from Germany. Due to my bad health I became deaf on my right ear so pls take that into consideration when playing my maps :3c call me by any of my old names and I will eat you alive
Name: Kurumi Age: 23 (10.04.) Location: Germany Hobbies: Gaming, eating, writing, watching stuff Likes: Being alone, my few friends, food Dislikes: People I don't know, myself, the future
I suffer from quite a few things that stopped me from playing this game and make me struggle in the real life in general. Those things include: Severe Asthma developed after a collapse from my pollen allergy many years ago Strong muscle strains in my hands when playing Damaged eardrums that result in my right ear constantly being clogged so badly I cannot hear anything on it anymore (luckily my left ear only itches a bit every now and then) Annoying Tinnitus Bad eyesight