[!] 01:20:321 - this LN pattern, keep in mind the gaps you use and where they are. Please follow this same logic with the gaps later on for the same pattern like 01:25:714, 01:41:894 and 01:47:287.
And 01:31:107 vs. 01:52:681 - should be the same with the gaps as well
Apply this same logic to the later kiais. For example, if 02:58:748 - this is how you'll follow this sound for THIS kiai, then do the same treatment with 03:04:141 - and all the other patterns after on THIS kiai only. Same with 03:09:534 vs. 03:31:107.
Once again, apply this same logic to 05:16:107 - this kiai. If there's one structure you're using for this sound, then apply that same structure to all the similar patterns after.
That way it's not all the same with each kiai, there's still progression but it's consistent INSIDE each kiai. A consistent progression.
[!] 00:24:029 - 00:40:209 - I'm confused here. I can somewhat see that it's the 1/2 melody, but the way it's being mapped is all over the place?
To start off with a few examples:
00:24:366 (24366|2,24366|0) - what's this double for? You also have 00:24:029 (24029|2,24197|2,24366|2) - this 3 note anchor which never happens again.
00:25:040 (25040|2), 00:27:737 (27737|3), 00:30:433 (30433|0), etc.. what's going on with the longer LNs? I thought it was for the piano, but the releases keep changing and the piano isn't always mapped (00:24:534, 00:26:051, 00:26:725, etc..) I tried considering vocals too but those aren't consistently mapped either.
Inconsistent representation - what is 00:33:804 (33804|3) - for? Why is 00:36:164 - ignored? And what's with the frequent changes of LN jacks 00:25:377 (25377|0,25546|0) - but then streams in the middle i.e. 00:28:074 (28074|0,28242|1,28242|2,28411|2) or 00:29:422 (29422|0,29591|3,29759|0,29759|1).
Please double check this section again. The music here does not change that much yet the patterns keep going all over the place which doesn't feel right.
This also applies to 06:19:984 -
This doesn't answer my concerns as to why patterns just change to whatever whenever it feels like it. As mentioned in #4292051/11480847, the music here is clearly following a linear rhythm. It's okay to not be 100% consistent, but again, the pattern choice here is just going all willy nilly. It feels like this is something only a mapper would understand when it should be something a player can understand and follow, which there isn't a strong foundation to follow and predict, completely throwing off what is being represented and, at worst, is entirely misleading with the music.
I still have concerns about the double inconsistency - they inconsistently appear on either the 1/1 or 1/2 beats despite the instrumental keeping a consistent motif this entire section. I think you should just have the doubles every 1/1 and remove any instance of 1/2, or keep the doubles for the piano chords.
This applies from 00:34:815 - as well except you should just have the doubles/triples stick to the kicks/snares, nothing else.
[!] 01:19:310 - There's a lot of concerns I have with the kiai segments, but my biggest concern is the consistency. The patterns never stay consistent for one section despite the music following a repetitive rhythm.
Inconsistent LN patterning.
01:20:321 vs. 01:25:714 - They're following the same music yet the releases are slightly different, why's that? 01:20:490 (80490|1,80658|2) - vs. 01:25:883 (85883|3,86051|1) specifically.
01:21:501 (81501|0,81501|2,81585|3,81669|0,81669|1,81669|2) vs. 01:26:894 (86894|2,86894|3,86978|1,87063|2,87063|3,87063|0) - Same patterns yet different LN usage?
01:41:220 (101220|0) - There's another LN now?
01:32:456 (92456|1,92456|2,92456|3) - vs. 01:43:242 (103242|1,103242|0,103242|3)
01:42:737 (102737|3) - vs. 01:21:164 (81164|0)
and more...
Inconsistent emphasis
01:21:332 (81332|2,81332|3), 01:26:725 (86725|3,86725|2), 01:27:568 (87568|3,87568|2), 01:28:074 (88074|0,88074|1), 01:35:405 (95405|2,95405|3), 03:13:832 (193832|1,193832|0), etc.. - There's quite a few doubles that just seem to be filler and don't emphasize anything. If they are, it's not being done consistently as these kinds of streams don't follow the same rhythm everywhere else.
The patterns for some reason just keep changing every time when it's still following the same thing. These are only a few examples, there is more issues in this same segment. There is no consistency to the LNs here and in later kiai segments.
The kiais arent strictly bound to the sounds, instead I use the song as a platafom to patterning. Trying to find strict reasoning to patterning there isnt what you should do, instead just following the "feeling" of the section for understanding the patterning is more correct. I understand you not getting this type of charting, but just know that is a valid expression as well and both of the BNs that nominated know what they are pushing forward
I think trying to go for feeling isn't inherently bad but there still needs to be a cohesive foundation to what you're doing with your patterns. The music here is clearly straightforward and while it's okay to not be 100% strictly consistent, this just feels like the extreme of an opposite end. There's no consistency whatsoever, patterns change to whatever it feels like with no concrete basis behind them when the music does not warrant this kind of structure whatsoever - assuming that there isn't a lack of structure here which is my issue, there isn't a strong and coherent structure.
You still have to show some sort of rule/logic behind your patterns and in how they play even if it's not the typical consistency.
Also saying the two BNs nominated it in its current state is kind of dismissive. We wouldn't have QA if we left it at that, it may be fine to them but in the end the map is meant for the playerbase - not everyone will feel the same way and may find something problematic that the nominators did not.
It's definitely gotten a lot better but I still think some places are all over the place with following specific rhythms - mainly the melody.
01:20:321 vs 01:25:714 vs 01:41:894, etc..
01:27:063 vs 01:21:669 vs 01:43:242, etc..
This is just on the first kiai, similar issues persist with the later kiais with their own ideas. It's mainly stuff like those
[!] 04:26:388 - 04:43:242 - This is just someone talking. I don't see any reason as to why the LNs are used like this over someone talking. There should at least be some sort of foundation to how LNs follow something, but the way it's done here is so out of place for something that doesn't have any rhythm or coherency to it.
It's even more awkward when you decide to map the actual melody near the end at 04:43:242 - mixed with the "talking" patterns. Combining this with LNs that actually follow something is not a nice transition at all.
Just map the long vocals singing "ooo", and ignore the rest. It doesn't feel right to play at all in its current state.
The talking here is almost 100% unique to this section and suggesting to just follow the echoes at the backvocals is probably the most boring thing you can make in this section. Also following the talking, yet hetic is fine for gameplay and make this section actually interesting and not just a 20s sleeper
Looking back this is fine now, but if you're going to do this I think you should have the LNs only be used for the talking and nothing else. It really throws off the experience when you suddenly use LNs for the background sounds - trying to combine something with rhythm to something that doesn't feels like an incoherent and hard to understand thing to play and it's not fun
Specifically, remove 04:29:422 (269422|1), 04:32:119 (272119|0), 04:34:815 (274815|0), 04:39:310 (279310|0,279422|0)
For everything from 04:42:737 - where the melody comes in, I think you should remove the notes following the melody and only keep them from 04:43:748 as it's more noticeable and plays in a consistent snap.