I ctrl g'd 00:33:293 (3,4) and 01:28:150 (3,4) but left the rest as the others followed vocals that the whistles now reflect.
00:44:436 (5) - I don't see any particular reason to place a 1/8 slider here. I would just make it a circle.
01:03:507 (1) - why not just make it end here 01:03:721 - theres a clear sound on that tick, i noticed you did this multiple times but i dont really see why, imo it would be better to let them all end on the actual sound. otherwise maybe a triple if you want the variation, just so you dont skip the obvious sounds there
I really like the extra emphasis the 3/8 slider gives to the end of the phrase. I don't feel like a 1/4 slider really offers enough as it would just make the map more monotonous. As for skipping the sounds, I mentioned in briefly in #3819310 but I don't think the sounds are important enough to warrant an issue. If I were to map the constant 1/4 hi hat, the map would just be a constant 1/4 rhythm with no variation. I also ignored the same sound constantly with 1/2 sliders. As for the triple suggestion, I want to leave the triple to 01:10:793 (3,4,5), in order to give it more contrast with rest of the map as it's the highest point of the kiai sections
I did change 01:00:078 (5) and other instances to a slider, so the hi hats are no longer actively clicked.
01:08:650 (1) - I don't think this slider shape really suits the song. I would use something simpler.
01:09:936 (4) - This slider end isn't really synced to anything, you could move it back a tick or have the end silenced
01:09:936 (4) and 02:18:507 (4) - I used the 3/4 sliders instead of 1/2 sliders to emphasize the climax of the chorus. If it's a problem, I can mute the slider ends, but the sound on the red ticks shouldn't by loud enough to warrant an issue.
I actually think 01:11:650 (7,8) - should be decreased as the vocals are decreasing and so should the spacing. 01:12:078 (1) - should be the object with the highest spacing to emphasize the finish. 02:20:650 (1) - Agreed and overlapped with 02:20:436 (8) - for a nice pattern.