00:51:868 (201,271), 01:43:381 (7,77) - Feel free to ignore this comment if you even remotely disagree, but this section feels very straining from the sv changes, high frequency of finishers with trailing 1/4s, and 1/4 streams with no breaks in between. Since the rest of the map is significantly easier to play and the intensity of this section isn't much higher than the kiai, this difficulty spike might be a little too much. Maybe remove the trailing dons in front of the finishers which makes it a lot less straining?
I feel the same, that this is a bit overmapping when I mapped inner oni but I really love this pattern so I would prefer not to change it (but I consider nerfing it). If other people such as modders or bns advice that this map isn't likely to be ranked because of this pattern being too hard, I'll probably nerf this pattern.
removed 00:53:698 (222) - , 01:15:795 (406) - , 01:17:112 (413) - , 01:17:185 (414) - , 02:07:307 (205) -
on pattern where 02:10:088 (224) - are, i removed 02:09:942 (223) - instead to make ddK pattern as well as 00:53:917 (223) - ~ 00:57:722 (260) - .
something like:
just copy this and paste in f6 panel. I did Acceleration 0.925-1.05 with +0.1 for every finisher (It means these numbers are not smooth as numbers but looks cool, the acceleration is preserved, but in place of each intended note of the finisher there is a smoothly accelerated jump).
hmmm I tried your sv (also by myself), but sadly none of them either mine or yours doesn't fit my sense :(
This is my fault i haven't come up with any idea, but I got an conclusion that I ended up not changing any, at least now...
BUT anyway I'll always consider about it, this might be changed in the future in case other modder or BN brings an amazing idea