00:02:175 (3,4) - this is quite hard to recognise as a dash since it can also be walked.
there's a guideline: All distances should be clear on whether they require the player to walk or dash. This is to ensure that players can easily recognise patterns that require dashing.
so it's better to make it more clear
00:26:895 (4,1) - you can give a little more distance to walk for the vocal as right now it's sorta underwhelming
00:32:333 (2) - the noise here is pretty loud, i think you can rotate the slider a little bit so it's wider
Do you mean to green line and change velocity on 00:32:333 (2) - or the long slider on 00:33:083 (1) - ?
I mean rotate (you can do this by pressing ctrl+shift+r or clicking on the object > pressing edit on the top > rotate by...) this slider 00:32:333 (2) -
rotating it by with the origin of selection centre 15-18 degrees would be a solution to the mod
00:39:833 (3) - this can be mapped as a horizontal slider headed to the left side of the playfield or any shape for the straining vocal which will also lead to a nice transition to the next section with a dash
00:48:080 (1) - this can be a larger distance dash because the kiai is pretty intense and it will serve as a good emphasis of the beginning of the kiai
00:50:330 (2,1) - this should be a dash i assume? compared to the logic of 00:49:205 (3,1) - this pattern
00:53:705 (2) - too underwhelming to not have any movement for this sound at all, perhaps this circle can be moved if you apply this #3809965?
00:57:080 (1,2) - i'm sure the dash was supposed to be on (1) instead of (2) considering you haven't done that in this kiai before?
01:04:580 (1,2,3,4,5) - i assume this was for the unique bass sound? looks good
01:05:705 (6,1) - this is also an unclear distance, it is supposed to be a dash yet it plays like a walk, you can move the slider to x:16 to not break the guideline about placing objects near the edges of the playfield and it would work as a proper dash
01:12:642 (3,4) - Seems like an ambiguous walk to me? Would reduce as this isn't strong enough to have a dash in a Salad.