00:02:558 (4,5,6,1) - This seems to be close to hitting the border of the rule of 4 consecutive basic-snapped dashes.
While it is true that 00:02:558 (4,5,6) - is walkable with a small tap dash, having them as easy walks would be much better.
00:04:417 (4,1) - you're breaking the RC here:
Hyperdashes that are higher-snapped must not be used in conjunction with any other dashes or hyperdashes.
since it's 160 bpm, 1/2 hyperdashes are considered higher-snapped, and 00:04:229 (3,4) - is clearly a dash, which leads to a RC break
00:05:895 (5,1) - you're breaking the guideline here:
Strong hyperdashes should not be used. For basic-snapped hyperdashes, a limit of 1.5 times the trigger distance is recommended. For higher-snapped hyperdashes, a limit of 1.3 times the trigger distance is recommended instead.
with the current SV and SVM (slider velocity multiplier) the trigger distance for the 1/2 hyperdash (higher snapped hyperdash) is 1.14 and the current distance is 1.81 which is 1.58 times more than the trigger distance. i highly suggest that you nerf the distance
00:07:208 (4,1) - same here, this time the distance is 1.35 times more than the trigger distance
btw; I did a mistake here - the trigger distance is 1.42, not 1.14. nonetheless, the issue was still present
00:34:583 (1,2,3,4) - slider like -> 00:30:083 (1) - this would be way cooler for a better simplification and also would be more accurate imo
00:39:083 (3) - i would actually give this vocal a little bit of a dash space because it's stronger and has a guitar on top of it (x:345 works pretty well for a proper dash)
I agree, however I feel the dash will be more player friendly with 00:38:989 (2,3) - being a flow jump instead of anti-flow
00:53:142 (2,3) - i'd swap the dash here, so you dash to (3) instead of dashing to (2) for the guitar sound
01:05:705 (4,1) - you're breaking the guideline here:
Hyperdashes that are higher-snapped should not be followed by antiflow patterns. If used, the spacing should not exceed a distance snap of 1.1 times the trigger distance.
since the bpm is 160 which leads to 1/2 hyperdashes being higher-snapped -> the distance between these two is 1.81, while the trigger distance is 1.42 -> the spacing is 1.27 times the trigger distance. i highly suggest that you nerf the distance or change this slider 01:06:080 (1) - to something flowier
01:22:017 (2) - this is inconsistent to add another reverse that falls on this white tick ( 01:22:580 ) because the previous instances of when you mapped this vocal did not utilise this reverse (refer to 01:16:017 (2) - ; 01:19:017 (2,3) - ; ) so i suggest removing this reverse