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00:02:591 (12) - feels like song is quiet here so it shouldn't be a triple. moving this to the next blue tick at 00:02:813 - would fit more with the vocal and make it similar to 00:09:813 (45,46,47) - . OR you can put the note on the previous blue tick at 00:02:369 - to fit instrumental, if you don't want them to be too similar

00:59:368 (11,12,13) - 01:27:813 (10,11,12) - 01:42:035 (14,15,16) - same


moved to 00:02:813 - made them all similar :)

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00:08:702 (41) - k sounds better imo, and consistency with 01:05:591 (41) - 01:34:035 (40) - 01:48:257 (45) -


made k. also with consistency, made 00:08:035 (37,38,39) - 01:04:924 (37,38,39) - 01:33:368 (36,37,38) - 01:47:591 (41,42,43) - dkd. fits a bit better with the new vocals on this cover

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00:27:813 - 9plets are quite hard for oni. consider about remove 00:27:924 - 00:28:591 - to better follow the drums


simillar in 01:17:591 - but you can remove only 01:17:702 -


01:24:813 - ^ and how about make this d (for drum thing) and 01:25:591 - k


sounds good
00:27:924 - and 00:28:591 - removed
01:17:591 - made into k d kdkdK
01:24:702 - d kkkkddk, Initially wanted to keep 01:25:591 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - as d's for the drum, but changed them to k's instead (#3966237/10600718). mono either way plays the same

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00:35:368 (166,167,168,169,170) - there isn't much support for 5 note here, try this for the hihat drums?


dont think mapping the hihat is necessary. prefer keeping a pause in the notes like at 00:28:702 (142) - removed all the d's tho at 00:35:480 (167,168,169) - , so no more 5 note patter

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00:43:591 - i think its a little weird that this is the only part of the song that has 1/6's mapped out when they are present throughout the song idk
00:52:480 (247,248) - missing 1/6 here?


yeah idk either lol. just gonna make them 1/4 patterns. maybe can save 1/6 for an inner hmmmm

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00:48:702 - consider about changing it to k for snare and high vocal note.


keeping as d, specifically for oni, wanted to map this section to the pitch change of the piano thing. matches better as d and stays consistent with 00:44:480 (197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206) -

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00:56:913 (261) - Shyguy: reduce slider by 1/4 beat


changed to dddd

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slider will be better there i think because i really don't like this burst. consider about remove notes in 00:56:813 (262,263,264) - or add 1/2 slider in 00:56:702 - . also this pattern isnt dddd (actually dkkdd)

Reopened by _HeLLFly_

o ya forgot i changed to dkkdd. removed 00:56:813 (262,263,264) - and changed 00:56:702 (259) - to k for triangle

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01:08:035 (51) - try removing this note, a double would be nice here. it is similar to 01:09:924 (60,61) -

00:11:146 - 01:36:480 - 01:50:702 - same


doubles good, made to kk and changed 01:08:924 (55) - (and similar) to d's

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01:40:257 (7) - try using K to be different from the previous two notes since there is a clap here



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01:54:331, 01:54:775 - consider making these ks to differentiate these notes from 01:54:480, 01:54:924 respectively - if these are ds then the player might think these notes are following the drums instead which falls on 1/4 instead of 1/3.

(And same for muzu.)


made into 1/3 dk instead. think gives better contrast from the kd 1/4's and hits the cymbals

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