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00:01:591 (7,9) - i prefer to make them kats because of vocal brighter here,and only use dons are too simple


o true, made 00:02:702 (10,11) - kats as well + others similar. had something like this at 01:40:924 (62,63,64,65) -

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00:13:591 - how about make this note d for better emphasize the snares in 00:13:813 - 00:14:035 - ?


sure, applied to oni as well. consistent with the lower diffs

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also changed 00:13:368 (62) - (+ others) to d, matches pitch on 00:13:146 (61) - and a little easier to hit

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jk it's kk d d k k now for consistency with other diffs


00:15:591 (58,61,64) - make them kats to fit the flute instrument background is a better choice in my opinion,which are better be appropriate for it.


00:22:702 (84,87,90,96,99) - if you would like to accept it,i think it is also a good choice to make them kats to make the pattern smoother


made kats and other similar ones

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00:28:480 (107) - 00:42:702 (155) - listen carefully,becausethe drum here isn't completely 5 combo 1/4,but 4,which means these two notes are okay to be deleted i think


o dam, good ear

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00:30:035 (110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120) - vs 00:44:257 (158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168) - there should be more of a difference between these sections since the song picks up in intensity here


added some ddd's, extra notes, and some variance to the d's and k's starting from 00:42:924 (154) - to 00:52:702 (194) -

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01:16:702 - 01:18:480 - this chain of K d K d ... might be going on too long for players at this level that it's straining.

Could consider deleting 01:17:369 - person-ally think it's also neater this way as the red dons now better follow the pianos.


ok, deleted. also made 01:18:035 (79) - into d for readability and to match the build up. feels more muzu-y now, but maybe coloring can change

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01:17:368 (75,79) - this big 1/2 may make muzu players feel dizzy,so in my opinion i would recommend to delete these two big dons to make it easier and more readable


true am dizzy. i prefer the consistent notes used for the build up. Used to actually have small d's here, but didnt like how they came outta nowhere so just made them into big d's just to try it out. I think the small d's are more readable so reverted them to that, but added d's at 01:15:146 (69,72) - to kinda prep the player before this part. maybe it's still too hard, but def plays a little better

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01:55:813 - i think in this moment after mono 5plet should be something like break instead 1/3 doublet, because 5plets is really hard for muzu. i can suggest you make here 4/1 gap or 1/1 notes after 5plet


made gap after the 5-plet

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