When you get chance, you can also add tournament tags if you'd like to:
North American Mania Tournament NAMT2023 GBC 2023 Spring
Some addtional tags: gftb osu! original arcade bass hardcore oriental hybrid technical ln long notes
grand finals tiebreaker gftb osu! original breakcore arcade bass hardcore oriental instrumental electronic mwc7k featured artist fa hybrid technical ln long notes
File and mp3 seems neat
Metadata: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/artists/176
Add the tag
grand finals tiebreaker breakcore instrumental electronic mwc7k featured artist fa
Background exceed 2.5MB, I convert png to JPG here > https://csneko.s-ul.eu/xVrU9Pto
u missed out the normal hitsound, can use the GF HS here > https://csneko.s-ul.eu/UuN90Cee
After pasting the wav file to your beatmap folder, do the following:
HP/OD suggestion: HP 8.5 / OD 7.5
Feels like still cheesable with 8 , raise them a bit to reduce the spam pass rate
Could reduce them to make it a little bit easier for hybrid map ( more LN less OD to make things more easier to acc)