but the drum structure does change and so do the highlights of the guitar, most notable in 01:24:435 - , the pattern goes on and persists for 3 measures which was why i entertained the idea of this being correct, please elaborate how this is objectively wrong as a viewpoint
like i know how syncopation works but in this case the drums and the guitar line up, usually you'd have something hit on the red tick and then continue with the main metronome on whites right after
this is not the case here, am i missing something?
the drum pattern changes to reflect double bpm which is a common thing that some songs do, the snares start to land on red ticks and the bass in the song continues to happen on every white tick, then about the guitar, the emphasis in melody lands on 01:21:769 - 01:22:269 - 01:22:602 - apart from the first one all others line up with the normal metronome which just means that 1st one is a syncopation which is also very common in songs and doesnt need additional timing
I can say that there are only snare sounds on 01:21:769 01:22:103 01:22:436 etc ticks, but not drums. If they were drums then I would say the map needs a new redline here 01:21:769.
I think that snares shouldn't be the the ones to rely on while adding a redline. Strong drum should be on big white tick and it should start the counting, not the snare. For example 00:54:936 is a drum, and the whole part alternates its position on strong beats, either its on big white tick, or on red tick before 00:56:103. But anyway the counting starts from the drum
Interestingly, the song structure is not exactly 4/4. I don't see a problem with some metronome resets to better fit the song while playing on nightcore.
@Oko Syncopations can happen either before or after main beat as far as im understanding, so in this case it
does main beat first and syncopated after on red.
Can't fully say if it's correct or not to use on osu, cuz it fuck ups menu pulsing and NC mod as well and as i don't exactly remember seeing similar cases to compare, but it is "supposed" to be correct reason to avoid more resets just from musical point. Drum rhythm shldn't be the key point here as either can be valid.
keep it without redlines, bcus its just double time composition
and it isn't like the song doesnt give any up-beat feeling before either, in the chorus some hihats land on up-beats (redticks)
no any plans to add video? :c
i would suggest to add it for people who like play or who recording videos on yt with anime opening video:
your current audio is very amplified (makes a lot of clippings) and very close to 160kb/s i would suggest change it to better one that i got from flac:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/677543498752196608/1076099867400736778/audio.ogg (same offset, just replace file and write in .osu from audio.mp3 to audio.ogg) dont be scary by .ogg format, its rankable and was used for best quality possbile.
source: アカメが斬る!
there's no space in
Preferred romanization is Rika Mayama
akame ga kill! kiru 2nd opening second japanese anime white fox square enix tv Rison Xenon rnuxk Hyokar
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