This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
applied finish logic to 04:16:616 (2) - type objects on white little ticks with whistle+finish,
applied #4105227 after mods.
also applied missing clap to 04:35:722 (1) - type objects (some reason they were not here idk how)
needs drumclap 01:06:432 (2) - 01:02:800 (2) - 01:10:063 (2) - 01:13:695 (2) - 01:15:353 (6) -
01:27:985 (3) - remove sliderbody whistle
04:55:774 (1) - remove clap
00:54:511 (4) - 00:58:300 missing whistles
00:56:406 (12) - I'm guessing this should be clap instead of finish
01:39:353 (3) - I think this sliderbody should have whistle, based on the previous sliders like this.
I think the big claps in 01:44:722 - 02:45:353 this part (meaning 01:45:037 01:46:300 01:47:564 01:48:827 etc...) need more fitting hs feedback. Currently they are hitsounded with either the drum-hitfinish or with nothing. I'd suggest you use some kind of big clap/snare hs instead (or along with the drumfinish) to better represent these sounds.
A similar issue is present in 04:15:985 - 04:51:353 this later part and the big claps there (04:16:616 04:18:827 04:21:037 etc...). Same suggestion here.
Also, some of the last section's claps aren't even hitsounded 04:52:932 (5) - 04:55:617 (2) - 05:03:037 (1) - 05:05:247 (1) - 05:07:458 (2) - and some non-claps use hitfinish for some reason 04:53:564 (1) - 04:55:774 (1) -
well as i investigated i use default hitfinishes which sounds better to these TOOSH-TOOSHes like 04:59:564 (5,2). (some reason this exact part makes me realize that, please tell me what is wrong with me or can i keep my finishes hitsounding).
For now, I made these and others 04:52:932 (5) - 04:55:617 (2) - 05:03:037 (1) - 05:05:247 (1) - 05:07:458 (2) 04:53:564 (1) - 04:55:774 (1) - as finishes on them, but tell me if it sounds meh please.
also i compared, (FOR ME) it sounds like that default whistle + finish gives me the right sound i wanted, only finish will be too silent and clap is just not it lol
As for 01:44:722 - 02:45:353 i am currently solving this one. will P.S later.
P.S yeah pretty based, i can see your pretty nice point after cut-stream spem, everything is good in it so it is a good example of how previous mapping must be hitsounded like. made them all whistle+finish. i will leave it open for now to recheck.
also gave a whistle+finish combo to 02:45:353 (1) - to highlight over 02:45:037 (1) having no finish since it contrasts a void between these two objects (in the song and map simultaneously)
also gave 02:43:774 (1) - a fair and square deserved whistle+finish combo, it was just missed lol
What I had in mind with this mod was using a more clap-like sound, but ultimately it doesn't really matter. I'm satisfied with the outcome.
However, now it seems like some drum-hitclap1 hitsounds are missing in the kiai. I doubt this is intentional, but if it is - let me know.
Here are the places, where I think are claps are currently missing:
04:20:248 04:21:037 04:23:248 04:35:721 04:37:932 04:40:142 04:44:563 04:46:774 04:48:985
The hitsound volume throughout the map could use a buff and some changes throughout to match the intensity of the song.
First of all, I'd suggest a general +5% buff to all hs volumes, since currently, I think the hitsounds are a bit quiet overall. Other than that, I'd suggest a nerf to intro hs vol, the current value is too loud imo.
My suggestions for the whole map:
start - 00:28:932 40%
00:28:932 - 01:14:406 55%
01:14:406 - 01:29:563 60%
01:29:563 - 01:44:722 65%
01:44:722 - 02:25:143 55%
02:25:143 - 02:35:248 60%
02:35:248 - 02:45:037 65%
02:45:353 - 03:04:300 40%
03:05:564 - 03:45:985 60%
03:45:985 - 04:06:827 40%
04:06:827 - 04:15:985 45%
04:15:985 - 04:51:353 65%
04:51:353 - end 50%
okay need to clarify that this mod is probably revealed to me (somehow) that some hitsounds like 03:38:327 (2), then 03:39:037 (1,2,3,4) then 03:39:827 (2,3) then 03:43:143 (1,2,3) had whistles and finishes which was not it, rehitsounded to claps because it feels more natural. what a fantastic mod ueu)b
some sections don't have the correct time signature and white tick placement:
00:59:248 - 01:14:406 in this section, timing changes frequently, for example:
01:14:406 - 01:44:722 this section also has a 6/4 time signature, which can be recognised by the structure in the 2nd half and the big synth changing pitch every 6 beats
03:57:985 here the time signature changes to 7/4
04:15:985 the previous measure is extended here, so this needs a reset to 7/4 as well
Here are all the redlines [v]. When I tried pasting them into the original diff, only some sliders on these new redlines broke, so this shouldn't be a problem to apply (01:11:879 and this greenline would have to be put 1 offset later)
2 sliders got scuffed cos of the changes
01:00:984 - Slider head is snapped 1 ms before a line which would modify its slider velocity.
01:11:879 - Slider head is snapped 1 ms before a line which would modify its slider velocity.
wiggle these sliders so they are placed on the correct tick and move these greenlines by +1 to snap them properly.
Add "dnb"
Remove "Electronic, Bristol". Electronic is already on the genre field. While, unless you can elaborate why it's there, i don't find Bristol is connected to anything.
Combo Color (potentially unrankable)
The darker green combo color is blending in when it was used towards bottom left of the field. Readability is already pretty hard with AR and the design choice. So change it to a bit more pastelly green (134,219,136) or just completely bonker to some other color like grey (128,128,128) or pastel cyan (95,241,193)
You might want to reuse the slider tick as slider slide. On some calm part, the slider slide sound a bit jarring to hear (00:07:167 (1) - as example). Try to incorporate it without breaking your current hitsound work.
Maybe set in others for now. need someone else's help about this. almost no vocal in this song.