best map ive played recently. i hope u reconsider the perfect stacking at 3mins but if u call me a noob in response thats understandable :)
The album is called Teeth Restoration, which leads me to remember the FIght Club movie where the guy said that airplane does not want you to survive but instead take a pose that will break your neck and save your teeth to identify you and mark you as dead after the investigation of the crush.
So, maybe that's a cool reference to bye2 that scared of airplanes? :)
i mean.. that's probably why I will never become a BN or become him only with a shitton of time.
There will be so many requests you will get picky bro, no one likes the SONG i mapped, so they not even looking at mapping itself qwq
But go for it and be sure you will be questioned by really strange questions xd.