crazyrabbitkge xen xehn xenon- otosaka-yu suzuki_1112 J1_ nika mika monstrata lv9 level9 captin1 yf_bmp snownino_ hey lululu lu^3 electronic instrumental pdc pdc2018 pdc18 pending cup 2018 REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2 空想ファンタジーシリーズ KUUSOU FANTASY SERIES おてがる!!LINK TRACK Alice Renan INFINITAS 楽曲パック vol.11 konami bemani video game electronic instrumental Yoshihiro Tagawa 田川義浩 REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア The Reflesia of Eternity original soundtrack ost LC2282-2283 fantasy Arisu piano
hs samplesets (all of them taken from J1_'s set how they were, most of them using their own hs)
CrazyrabbitKGE, Xen (Xenon), J1_: 21
Otosaka-Yu (1112): 8, 9
nika mika: 15
Monstrata: 58
Level9 (Lv9): 1, 2, 3, 4
yf (yf_bmp): 9
NiNo (SnowNiNo_): 11, 12, 13, 14
lululu (Hey lululu), my diffs (copied from lululu's), captin1: 20
JeZag modded [Another] on his twitch stream & discord
think your hs can be improved a bit.
I found u put the drum hs on soft-hitwhistle generally, which is technically not bad, but in this mapset, the usage makes your hs sound pretty underwhelming, especially in the lower diffs.
just like 00:33:233 - the section only contains several drum hitsound for now, and it sounds somewhat weird when compared with the previous sections where u use various hitsounds, because 00:33:233 - instrument intensity is not decreased so much imo.
I personally think u can put the drum hitsound from soft-hitwhistle to drum-hitnormal, and then use the default soft-hitwhistle for better emphasis in different diffs.
J1 diff
I can see u overall follow the piano sound pretty well, and when u add hs for piano emphasis it feels like the map is full of the hs. However, u always use 1/4 slider for some piano emphasis and when u didn't add more hs for contrast between slider head and ending, the hs on sliders will be kinda weird to show music.
e.g. 00:33:233 - the section as I mention above, 00:33:904 (1,2,3) - the slider ending cover piano pretty well ye, but for 00:35:247 (1,2,3) - the slider ending actually cover the different stuff, which feel lost the main concept for piano representation.
maybe u can mute some unnecessary slider tails to make the music emphasis more intutitive.
from mv: take a look at this. Rest of delayed hitsounds are finishes, where their impact isn't that important
rest of what mv showed outside of hitsounds didn't look important
I don't really think that the placement of diffs in the contest is that important to have in diff names. Your average player will not really care, and the people who care could just check the description of the mapset
If you really don't wanna remove them, then maybe renaming j1's to #1 instead of Winner would look better and more consistent with the rest. Don't think that it's necessary to indicate that monstrata's diff was disqualified
Additionally regarding monstrata's diff name there is this rule, no other diffs really have custom names either, so doesn't really make that much sense to have a custom diff name there, even if it's kiiiinda allowed due to being an extra with a "similar" level of difficulty to other extras
i'm reluctant to remove the placements entirely, since the trend with PDC sets is to have most of them labeled anyway (e.g, Vitrum, with the exception of sets like The last of world music), and it seems like nobody really cares regardless if they're there or not. made them more consistent (changed Monstrata's to just denote Another since it's not top diff anyways and it sticks out yeah, even though it is epic but i don't wanna deal with these changes later lmao).