General check
Metadata: YT source.
EGTS 2021 Grandfinals Tiebreaker POCARI SWEAT poca_p0ca spec jerry lovely_hyahya fa featured artist tyrcs collaboration electronic instrumental j-core jcore speedcore artcore schranz 大箭将也 大箭マサヤ Ooya Masaya Cametek marathon technical hybrid kamelcamellia かめるかめりあ
Audio: avg. 191kbps ogg, looks good
OD/HP: Recommend OD/HP 6.5/7.8
BG: 1920x1080, 544kb all good.
Reopening for tags
Ooya Masaya
to Oya Masaya
full flavor flavour
for genreEGTS 2021 Grandfinals Tiebreaker POCARI SWEAT poca_p0ca spec jerry lovely_hyahya tyrcs collaboration electronic instrumental j-core jcore speedcore artcore schranz 大箭将也 大箭マサヤ Oya Masaya Cametek marathon technical hybrid kamelcamellia かめるかめりあ full flavor flavour
SB mod
to fade out the intro BG when the black cover comes in F,0,30455,,1,0
Line 12 of the scale command for BGshine.jpg, the scaling value should be 0.44479
instead of 0.5
so that you aren't having osu draw unnecessary pixels. The command on line 12 should be replaced with S,0,34000,432760,0.44479
Please delete this from line 369838 of the .osb.
As for filesize, it's quite large but the only solution would be to ask Jerry to potentially lower the "framerate" of the spectrum so it updates less frequently, but idk how difficult or feasible that is to do.
Thank you very much for the check!
Applied everything and also halved the framerate of the spectrum, the filesize is alot smaller now :D
I've also made further adjustments to the storyboard for optimization sake and addition of new files.
The updated sb pack can be found here @ AWMRone:
all good here
meta matches previously ranked maps except tags
funny that you added camellia's real name in tags
[Audio & BG]
good vorbis audio
1080p bg @545KB
seems good
load hovers around 6~7 most of the time
no covered playfield
original sb didn't have epilepsy warning so it should be fine without
lol 6.6 and 7.7
5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please add the source link about BG in description
Current audio has a bit of distortion in the higher frequencies, I tried assembling from the original .wav a bit better transcode:
Make sure to recheck the offset
Recommendation for tags field:
EGTS 2021 Grandfinals Tiebreaker POCARI SWEAT poca_p0ca spec jerry lovely_hyahya fa featured artist tyrcs collaboration electronic instrumental j-core jcore speedcore artcore schranz 大箭将也 大箭マサヤ Ooya Masaya Cametek marathon technical hybrid
not being a fan of Abraxosism I will not make this a stacked af inquiry of your so-called career goals or try to ever nag with your patterning choices; but at the end of the day I believe with all my heart, that you can make a certain anti-meta game 'great again' not by ranking one masterclass challenge that probs isn't going to be triumphed over until forever, but by being an avid provider of widely accessible mapsets people can enjoy. this I also believe, is the most right way to making more audiences for this lil forgotten game.
I don't really see myself getting involved to this map's journey to ranked section but I do wish you and the map, every luck in your way. cheers <3